Thursday, December 16, 2010

What Makes A Women Wet?


La Patrie dal Friuli cuintri erôrs by Rai: scomençâ cu programazion the par Furlan, invezit spot by vade für "The Furlan is it not a dialect, but each lengh: tiraitlu vie de Rai latest campaign" and the je firm positions from "La Patrie from Friuli ( ) monthly historical foundation in this Lenghe furlane 1946. "Rai and Varese visas in favor of methyl LEC 482/99 Article 12 as one, to confuse the invezit Lenghe furlane which dialets from Talian, and plugging in the SIEI palinsescj une programazion in Lenghe furlane. Metude in favor that and remains to day ancjemò Vue rispueste rags. " Cun of Pluie the eror is ancje a historic "campaign volarès Rai and celebrate 150 agns de Unitât of Italy, but was anetût Friûl to the realm of this dome Italie 1866 and 1861 do not. Adiriture a son by Zonis Friûl in Eastern Europe that are deventadis talianis dome after de vuere first world "and the precise drafting of" La Patrie dal Friuli " serum and that "if cuisse cualchidun you domandarà trops becs publics that are par stats spindûts spots that are joined by Italy ... rivâts to this disdain."


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