Thursday, December 2, 2010

Community Serves Hours Sheets


A military dad à invidât FIIS by the class to make visits to each elicotars de So barracks. I àn caturade ancje me, or contrary to gjitis and esercits soi, une parcèche and mancjave colegio. Cuss at the moment or ultin soi Partido, machine, naturalmentri Park that are not pulmins omologâts par ducj the adults who Coventina. Cuss at riscjo in doi cu Daur lats or since the machine, hoping that it not sucedès Nuie ni to no, to ni fruts! Views
interesting cun de ilustrazion stories des medais from elicotars, pas des missions. And then, visits to elicotars. Helicopter defenses, par companions and that at which difindi puarte vivars and jutori in puescj of vuere, cun Mitraa and much of the message. Helicopter par puartâ ferîts cuntune Biele bellies gruesse par meti barelis and stuff, if and Covent. And the dongje bancut fusii cun cun pistolis and so much explanation that cemût smicje the target. Cuisse that there never will be ches to "target" ... It is a fruit that the questions: "How do you distinguish friend from foe?" Biele questions! Propata Biel. O soi
furious dome or perhaps a avilide Grun.


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