Monday, March 14, 2011

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equal to 10 days in the first round and 10 in the second round Varese and 'a + 4 points.
Here are the details:

Way ... / ...Ritorno
1 = 3 pt / pt
22 ° = 3 2 = 1 pt / 23 ° = 1 pt = 1 pt
3 ° / 24 ° = 1 pt = 0 pt
4 ° / 25 ° = 5 °
3 pt = 1 pt / 26 ° = 0 pt = 0 pt
6 ° / 27 ° = 1 pt = 3 pt
7 ° / 28 ° = 1 pt
pt/29 8 ° = 0 ° = 1 pt = 1 pt/30
9 ° ° = 1 pt = 1 pt
10 ° / 31 ° = 3 pt

So Varese is still doing great even in the second round, more reason to stay close to the team and push them to arrive at a place in the sun in the playoffs.

After all ties with Frosinone Crotone and that had seemed to signal a drop in rankings were used to make bearing in mind that from today will be more difficult to play against any team.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Confidentiality Statement On A Fax

AS Varese 1910 - PORTOGRUARO Summaga: 1-0 (Alemao)

Finally! derby in the velodrome, with an attack-free holders of the two rams and Ebagua Neto, Varese back to success after four rounds with a goal of topping up Alemao, against a Portsmouth never dome that hurts all until Franco Ossola the 5th minute of recovery. Suffering due
as usual due to too many absences, even if the return of "Schneider" Zecchin has noticed all right, but also a dancer defense, especially with a Zappino too dreamy and butterflies on different outputs, perhaps better to rest) and call Moreau.

However, in light of the results of opposing what mattered was the win, and goal-centered.

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Cees Nooteboom

for over an hour yesterday afternoon at the "Teatro Verdi" in Pordenone, the Dutch writer Cees Nooteboom entertained the public come to the inauguration festival of Dedication . Urged by literary critic Geoffrey Fofi , Nooteboom has spoken of his passion for travel (he lives in Holland, Spain and Germany) which take their cue from his stories, the craft of the writer, faced with total freedom and without preparing, As you prepare to write a novel, some schema quote: For Nooteboom, through writing it brings order to the chaos of real life. Goffredo Fofi defined Nooteboom an author who does not just tell but that "reflects, in a word, a writer-philosopher. You just have to know him more closely, reading a novel.

Friday, March 11, 2011

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Asbestos barracks in Pordenone in Friuli Venezia Giulia: an update of the 'Centre National Asbestos "Amarcord Fvg

I get by Lorenzo Lorusso, coordinator for the Friuli Venezia Giulia 's Asbestos National Observatory, the following article to update the dossier "asbestos in the barracks, where it says inter alia, that the category of employees of the Guardia di Finanza has eighteen members - and add to the wife of one of them - the former regional registry exposed asbestos, and four died:

"Asbestos, that insurmountable limit of the barracks ...

There is confusion and concern among the employees of the Guardia di Finanza of Friuli Venezia Giulia, a long line of access to administrative documents held at the Health, the Civil Engineers and the Municipality of Trieste has allowed some financiers willing to inspect several hundred pages of documents: plans, and sophisticated chemical analysis designed to quantify the asbestos fibers are released into some barracks during the reclamation, reporting to the Prosecutor's Office entered into by the Company Sanitaria Triestina. Tutta questa documentazione – ottenuta legittimamente in base al combinato disposto della legge 7 agosto 1990 nr. 241 e del D.P.R. nr. 184 del 2006 – ha un unico comune denominatore, ci dice una sola cosa: molte caserme della nostra Regione erano piene di amianto di ogni genere, compatto e friabile. Non solo. Una vastissima zona del porto, dove per molti anni sono stati scaricati sacchi di amianto, è tutt’ora coperta da tettoie in eternit di pessima qualità e in stato di totale abbandono.
Dicevamo sopra che ci sono alcuni fascicoli presso la Procura che, ovviamente, riguardano coloro che si sono ammalati di mesotelioma della pleura o di altre patologie asbesto correlate. Il reato ipotizzato from various Italian prosecutors in similar cases is to " multiple manslaughter or negligently causing injury or serious, committed in violation of safety regulations and the protection of hygiene and health at work," covered under Article 25 - f Legislative Decree no. 231/2001.
We know for a fact that fewer than 18 employees of the Guardia di Finanza, who worked or continue to operate in the Friuli Venezia Giulia, and also the wife of one of them, were included in the Regional Registry of complaints following an assessment Health technology made by the Company. Unfortunately, at least four operators of the Guardia di Finanza - in the categories of non-commissioned officers, graduated and financiers - have already died after a long and tortured agonies. Baffles and saddened to learn that one of the widows we had met recently, not long ago been answered officially by the Command of the Guardia di Finanza di Trieste something like this: "to get the due recognition of the service her husband's face the demand. " Clearly, this officer of the body completely ignores that there is a procedure in these cases and that he should fulfill his obligation. E 'disheartening to think that a widow, between pain and various family duties, we should also worry to file a petition to the Command for the Administration as having what her husband already knows, which is a right guaranteed by law.
As mentioned, the end of the seventies and eighties, passed through the port of Trieste bags containing asbestos crushed, often mixed with soil or other substances that make it difficult to identify, was the period in which not all The bags have the following inscription - the logo with an "a" stylized - which identifies the content, which became mandatory for all materials containing asbestos. The financiers who worked in customs officers were finding the goods with direct verification of the content, but this was carried out without necessary protection: gloves, overalls and masks BN5U. These are the only effective means to prevent the asbestos microfibers to penetrate into the airways of people working at close range with asbestos. The traditional medical masks of cloth or cardboard reinforced that we often see in circulation and that they are quite effective against some dust, are not sufficient to prevent the penetration of asbestos.
What financiers ammalatisi mesothelioma or asbestos-related disease is a statistically higher than the national average divided by area or by categories of workers, it said in some sections and Some conferences also Prof. Claudio Bianchi, an eminent forensic pathologist and a leading national experts in the field of mesothelioma of the pleura. Also shows that, in the area by foot and the nearby Via Sant'Andrea Locchi, a few dozen meters from the former factory machinery, as well as financiers have also died and two women living in the place that had nothing to do with the barracks. This statistical fact, without wanting to alarm or accuse someone, indicates the danger zone, from one building into a barracks (Regional Command), despite having already suffered three reclamation, it was not possible to remove a substantial portion of asbestos residue.
of how fearful l’amianto si sapeva anche negli anni Quaranta e Cinquanta (all’uopo vedasi legge delega 12 febbraio 1955, nr. 51) ma in Italia è stato messo al bando con la legge nr. 257 del 1992, quella che ha preceduto di soli due anni la più popolare legge 626/1994 sulla sicurezza degli ambienti di lavoro. Resta da chiedersi come mai si è proceduto così lentamente nelle opere di bonifica e sorgono alcuni dubbi quando nello stesso luogo di lavoro ci sono troppe morti sospette. L’azione penale è obbligatoria e, pertanto, siamo certi che la magistratura esaminerà con scrupolo tutte le segnalazioni pervenutele – tenendo conto che già con il decreto 303 del 1956 sono state individuate quasi tutte le casistiche penali in tema di asbestos - as well as press reports that the articles have been written in recent years and the three parliamentary questions that the financiers have recently received from members of the Government, Opposition and the Mixed Group. A bipartisan commitment to mean that health issues do not have a political color. This battle to protect public health would not be possible to put it in place without the key and professional aid Advocate Ezio Bonanni the Court of Rome, Prof. Claudio Bianchi of Monfalcone and engineering professor Prof. Marino Valle di Trieste (expert Part of the financiers). But special praise goes to the painstaking job of President of the Friuli Asbestos Exposed Venezia Giulia, Aurelio Pischianz, che con il suo impegno e la sua costanza sta scalfendo quel muro invalicabile del silenzio che ci stava circondando. Pischianz ha dato voce a chi ora non potrebbe più parlare per difendersi, all’operaio Roberto Persich (simbolo della battaglia contro l’amianto) ma anche a tutti coloro che sono morti per colpa dell’inerzia di chi avrebbe dovuto tutelare la salute dei lavoratori, finanzieri compresi.

Lorenzo Lorusso"

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Saturday, March 12 18:00 Stadio Franchi OSSOLA: AS Varese 1910 - PORTOGRUARO Summaga

And here we are at the "derby of the velodrome" The Varese after a long abstinence must perforza find victory in the league, which has been going on abstinence from wretched game of Pescara. Victory would mean salvation and maintain secure 4th place, so all the Franco Ossola also to support the red and white mask. It is rumored for a return to Zecchin, hopefully for good!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Si sta avvicinando l'anniversario di "Italia 150" e mi piace segnalare l'articolo apparso ieri sull'inserto "Journeys" de Republic - "Seattle, the places of our history" , Gian Luca Favetto - that traces the many places in the city linked to the events that accompanied the birth of the unified state. And as for a certain period Turin is a city that, in addition to having attended because of its proximity to my place of origin - Pinerolo - I also lived, because, well, my confidence (a term used with a lot of the Piedmont sparingly) to the city of the Mole, I would like to recall here the words used by the writer Giuseppe_Culicchia in his book "Seattle is my home" (Yale University Press, 2005):

'Apart to be my city, Turin is also my home. And as each house contains an entrance hall, the Porta Nuova train station, a kitchen, the market of Porta Palazzo, a bathroom, the Po, and then of course the place of Piazza San Carlo, and this terrace is the Parco del Valentino, and Balon of the closet, and a host of other things and other stories. "

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lots Of Ewcm Around Period

Gustavo Zagrebelsky: a vision of democracy

In an article published by the Republic Saturday March 5, the former president of the Constitutional Court, Gustavo Zagrebelsky (President of the "Biennale Democracy in Turin April 13 to 17) speaks of the concept of democracy. The analysis is derived from the relationship between democracy and oligarchy:

"Under its (democracy ed) remains ideological camouflaging nest can be easily ,[...] even smaller and less presentable oligarchic rule. The democratic forms of power can be an effective mask to conceal .[...] It tells us that democracy, as the word It can contain the anti-democracy, as a substance. Indeed, today's power needs to go through the door assured of democracy. "

Where does the degeneration of democracy into oligarchy? Even the words of Zagrebelsky:

[...] we must acknowledge that democracy must always reckon with his natural tendency to the reduction of power in few hands, the hands of elites . [...] [...] The studies have different variants and the conclusions I reach are not necessarily in opposition to the minimum requirements of democracy. But things change when you switch from elites oligarchies to [...]. [...] The oligarchy is the 'elite that becomes the body separate and expropriate large numbers to their advantage . "

After this analysis, the lawyer gives Piedmont, almost as a consequence, a definition of" democracy "in negative

«[...] democracy is not - in the sense that can not be - self-government of the people who said long-term. E 'for the possibility institutionalized, then made permanent in accordance with procedures approved and accepted, to fight and destroy the oligarchs and over again that it feeds on itself within itself. "

a realistic and disillusioned with democracy which cling.

Monday, March 7, 2011

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LIVORNO - VARESE : 0-0 / FIORENTINA - VARESE 2-1 (spring) Saturday, March 5

LIVORNO: match goalless, the only one who could upset the balance that was Ebagua has tried without success.

PISTOIA: Unfortunately Eat Boys fail to meet Inter in the final, are eliminated undeservedly, 2-1 by Fiorentina.

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I just posted (in the literal sense of the word) my first playlist on Itunes, 9 songs (out of 12) taken from the second season of Deadwood and appeared in the closing credits ; called addicted2deadwood and brought to 9.21 euros different standard home blues and country, plus some interpretation of author as "A Prayer" by Madeleine Peyroux and "Calling All Angels" by kdlang. When the genre intrigues you, get down! (Maybe later I can complete the work with the three missing, and then dedicate myself to the songs of the third season).

Friday, March 4, 2011

How Much Do Pakistani Weddings Cost?

I try every day!

When I was little, I can not remember if the third or fourth grade, the lesson of "alternative" alternative to religion matter in fact, we were asked to develop an association that groups make a billboard " advertise "an 'association of our own creation and therefore the playbill explain the values \u200b\u200band principles of our association. Me and my best friend then made myself an association for the protection of animals.
Needless to say ...

And I'm not making this up, it's all true! Cressi
When I started a little bit excited about the almost obsessive nature documentaries, ricordo che un periodo, forse intorno alle prima o seconda media iniziai a “sbobinare” (termine molto caro a tutti gli universitari!) cioè trascrivere parole per parola un documentario sulla balenottera azzurra e scrissi scrissi scrissi tanto che imparai a memoria tutto il documentario (magari avessi fatto così pure per il latino classico!)
Quando arrivai alla maturità e dovevo decidere cosa fare, la mia scelta fu’ la facoltà di veterinaria ovviamente ma per una serie di inimmaginabili reazioni a catena questa scelta fu’ scartata e mi ritrovai a iniziare scienze biologiche alla facoltà di scienze matematiche, fisiche e naturali.
Ho sempre amato la natura, gli animali e ho sempre pensato al mio futuro come intrecciato ad essi.
D’improvviso verso i vent’anni arrivò il momento della fotografia e qui mi lasciai andare, adoravo scattare fotografie di insetti, corteccie, fiori, panorami, tutto purchè fosse natura.
Il mio percorso di vita mano a mano mi portò ad avvicinarmi a molte associazioni animaliste ed ecologiste, a conoscere molte persone vicine e sensibili alla questione animale ed alla situazione ecologica nel quale versava e versa il nostro pianeta.
Con il mio percorso di studi mi vennero risolti molti perché ma ne sono rimasti molti altri da risolvere e che forse non riuscirò mai a risolvere.
Dal 2007 mi sono consacrata alla rete avendo deciso di aprire questo blog dove ho iniziato a trattare temi a me molto molto cari come il cibo, gli animali, l’ecologia e l’autoproduzione.
L’autoproduzione il mio terzo amore dopo gli animali e l’ecologia.
Da quando l’ho scoperta ho anche scoperto che in fondo la pratico da sempre grazie alla parsimonia che mi ha trasmesso mia nonna e quando avevo 14 anni seppur in modo spartano dopo che un’estate in una vacanza a casa di alcuni parenti una cugina mi diede un articolo su come “farsi delle creme” in casa con erbe e piante iniziai collezionando articoli di riviste in un quadernone ad anelli che usavo guardandolo e riguardandolo e….booom! la svolta!
Inziai a collezionare vasetti strani che potevano essermi utili chissà per quale ragione e l’autoproduzione was' a boon, in fact, than the second near my school and there was no herbalist discovered the green clay el'henne! At 16 he was already red very red and I loved the self ... but I did not know his name like that!
After a short time after the blog, by the discovery of many forums and various blogs, my choice never veered towards veganism or anything derived from animals.
From that moment I felt very aware of my choices when it comes to cruelty-free.
When my parents separated and I moved to the University of Milan in my second year I met a fellow student who shortly thereafter became the my life partner. Thanks to him I opened my eyes to a world which until then had underestimated the critical consumption and the choices in terms of consumption.
He explained many things and told me on many others. The campaign to boycott Coca-Cola, McDonald's on that, the campaigns carried out of the water, among others, Vandana Shiva, the Nestle boycott campaign, the existence of a wonderful guide to critical consumption.
I realized that we had found.
Now both grown much stronger and aware of our ideas we are left to explain to friends, relatives and anyone who poses questions about why it is born the concept of boycott, because it is important to be aware of the power that you have from consumers and it is important to act implementing and making informed choices follow the practice to theory.
I've always been a lover of nature and the plant world, I always loved growing small seedlings, since I shared house with other students I was the one with the map on the desk ...
With the opening of my blog has opened a world of trivia and information that did not know before, I discovered writers like Marinella Correggia, journalist and writer, a true muse, Grace Cacciola, blogger friend and fabulous writer, and through the university I discovered and read "Silent Spring" R. Carlson and "close the circle" by B. Commoner two cornerstones of the environmental movement, then through another course in the university I discovered more and more pollution, about the biomarkers, the biological and saw "An Inconvenient Truth" Al Gore and I have studied the highlights.
During the time I have a passion for macrobiotic cooking and reading Michio Kushi also participating in a course of recognition of edible wild plants and a macrobiotic cooking class, discovering it to many concepts that I agree with simple and effective for some time.
Now I believe that my life will be forever intertwined in the world of ecology, animals and nature and so 'that really made me feel when I can say that we have really done something to improve things every day why I try to do it.

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Ecological sustainable organic vegan AS WE COST?

The choice to be vegan or eco-friendly is reflected both in daily activities including one of these is the expense: it's for a few days or week is something that touches all so one wonders whether it is true the fact that ecological or environmentally friendly is synonymous with expensive. ... Well, the answer is NO!
course in micro seems to be so but in the totality of expenditure is not for one simple reason: the eco-friendly choice is expected to decrease even before the same choice! If I
by I have to plan a vegan dinner of my choice will involve: cereal + legume + vegetables + fruit, that of a carnivore first + second + boundary + fruit ... all things being equal in quality to 90% of those who save will be economically I, no matter what the carnivore will!

Also ... I'll explain: in the case of choosing an eco-friendly detergent that is not tested on animals, which is biodegradable and thus meets the sea and the ecosystem is certainly more expensive than any detergent "traditional "But the fact remains that if I will buy it I will use wisely, will not use bleach (which pollutes a lot !!!)...
... but pre-treat with biodegradable soap,
maybe I will use a full load (not to waste water) and low temperatures (to reduce energy consumption!) Because being environmentally sustainable is not just about choice of detergent in itself but also the whole outline at the end ... so who really have spared when the simple statement will be me or the lady happy to have purchased the wonderful scent of detergent which pollutes the seas and mountains, lakes, however, but from ' the scent of arctic breeze? ... do not forget that there are also "environmental costs" and not only economic in the strict sense and immediate!
Things are always seen in their complex and never cut so as not to be aware of the speech ...
In addition, companies that produce sustainable products often also tend to have a sustainable eco-chain, which increases costs and this, of course, affects the price final.
And yet, as the green market has expanded especially in recent times we must remember that it is still limited and therefore it is clear that prices are a little higher.
Finally, if we go to see the incidence of a product, that the ingredients that make it clear why a soap dishes with lemon essential oil costs more than washing dishes with a lemon scent to make the most ... classic examples. ...
It 'true that some large retailers provide names of excellent products from the point of view of sustainability in terms of money: an example is the label co-branded toilet paper ... Or
with regard to the biological ( because let's not forget that "we are what we eat!": the choice of eating and using organic products inevitably has an impact on our pockets even before the body: this does not mean that those who chose the bio is a "chicken" as some claim but just noticed that he is in choice in both choice of products from the brands, here is the other one does not: a marchio che produce un certo bene con materia prima cinese sarà diverso da un marchio che produce con materia prima derivante dal territorio italiano, il primo magari costerà meno ma oltre alla provenienza in termini di sicurezza (altro paese altre regole) tale bene avrà viaggiato parecchio, quindi addio impatto zero, addio ecologia, addio sostenibilità; e ancora, chi sceglie il biologico in genere è anche ben attento alla tracciabilità e alla ricchezza del territorio, biologico và di pari passo con ecologico ed ecosostenibile e la sostenibilità deriva anche dalla scelta LOCALE innanzitutto e STAGIONALE...che senso ha mangiare delle fragole biologiche se siamo a dicembre e se arrivano dal Brasile?
Quindi sì, per fare una spesa sostenibile bisogna fare attenzione a molte cose, soprattutto all'inizio ma poi proprio come tutte le cose ci si prende l'abitudine ma la cosa che ci si ricorda sempre è che di fronte alla scelta di un prodotto.
Una buona guida soprattutto all'inizio può essere " Guida al consumo critico " e può anche essere utile dare un'occhiata a " Bilanci di giustizia ".

Infine qualche consiglio per chi vegan e "consumatore critico" alle prime armi si ritrova a fare la spesa: 

  1. ricordarsi che in 'the fundamentals are vegan foods: legumes and oilseeds (and of course fresh fruits and vegetables) so if you opt for dried beans and save a lot if they take the seeds in bulk you can change much more easily with both doses of the variety!
  2. always make a list: you will forget something without a list and you will find yourself buying useless products!
  3. not go to the grocery store if you are hungry: It seems stupid, but without proof, if you are hungry you can fill the basket of filthy shit!
  4. prefer home made to take away: start to self-produce, it is easy and fun and then it's really satisfying; some examples? milk plant (see HERE and HERE ), tofu, sauerkraut, seitan, the yogurt ...
  5. also started to experiment in the "beauty": deodorant, toothpaste , soap, lip balm , hair gel, hair color are just some of the products that you can achieve in home with little money and a lot of satisfaction!
  6. rethink the long-term choices: try mooncup instead of absorbing and tampa x ( ... just do the average account ... the cycle of a woman starts 13 years before who-who-after and ends 50 years year years .... do not we eat a pack and a half month-absorbent always do everything very well-rounded 1pacco X 37 and a half years that would then be 444 months, ie a pack and a half X 444mesi SAY '666 PACKS OF ABSORBENT if ... then do as I did and bought towels unbranded to spend more or less than 3 € the package ... well ... 666pacchi 3euro X went on to be ... that is about 1998 € 2000 € of money spent on disposable absorbent ...!!!!... but can you imagine! ... and this is one more reason to choose the menstrual cups ... no?) !
  7. tested also as regards household cleaners, an example? washing the dishes !
  8. not buy junk, saying that both do not eat: we eat when we are there is little you can do: The solution is for the faux-junk (an example? Yes no corn chips for popcorn or sunflower seeds ...) and save health will thank you!
  9. remember that (finally!) From 1 January 2011, the plastic bags are banned, take along green cloth bags ( HERE excellent tutorial to get the bags themselves and HERE a wonderful site Institute to explore!)

I finally read this great article , if you also want to read it ...
good costs, critics of course!

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disillusioned Obama is back on Earth

I am convinced that Barack Obama represents the high point that the U.S. can make in politics. Despite this, Obama also talks about a possible military intervention in Libya. Not that the "Colonel" to me is nice indeed, but, once again, dominated by the reflection of a great power ready to rely on force to defend his own, and that of the West in the alternative, the level of opulence. When, on the contrary, the armed interventions create more problems than they are thought to solve. Certainly, no one would even wonder about all this, and nobody has any illusions, for another example, that Obama can change the basic lines defense policy: some think it's plausible that they can disappear military nuclear installations in Italy, like those of Aviano (50 warheads) and Ghedi (40)?

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Pink - Raise Your Glass

Today I saw this video, I liked it so here it is!

Pink - Raise Your Glass

Want to see it?


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Stadio Armando Picchi Livorno OF ORE 15.00: Livorno - AS Varese 1910

Here is another challenge that was missing from the early nineties. Challenge deeply felt by both fans for purely political reasons! The Varese
pays a visit to Livorno that this year has never been able to give quota of results, even with the change of coach, who had hope with the victory at Novara, did not appear anything has changed. The Varese arrive in Livorno with a bit of trouble three points from their last four games with a team that recently Sannino has never been able to fully deploy. Important Ebagua and fall of Captain Pisano, who was absent but Dos Santos. The referee will
Gallion of Alexandria (the Alexandrians hate us), we'll see arbitrage impartial? oh, well ... we'll see what he had to say Rosetti this week after escaping from Varese on Tuesday. A curious note
the senior team will tread the red and white grass of the stadium that could host the legendary spring of Eat to the final of the Viareggio tournament next Tuesday is a coincidence that suggests ... VARESE


Thursday, March 3, 2011

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When the state of anger can be Because of non-punishment: a sentence of the Court of Cassation

As the site informs , a ruling by the Supreme Court, No 23 February 7073 2011, "recognized as a state of anger, which leads the worker to the drafting of written communications containing defamatory statements against the company, can not cause offense to the worker. The protagonist is a case worker fired after a sexual harassment complaint for slander, with the promise of an alternative job which the company did not take [...] faith, the latter fact that caused a worker in a state of uncontrollable 'anger that flowed in the preparation of leaflets offensive against the company. Justices of the Peace ordered the employee for aggravated defamation, appealed to the Supreme Court against that decision to the employee, considering the sentence unjust and wrong for not taking into account the physical and psychological condition in which paid. The Supreme Court, noting that the GDP incongruously argued that the defendant should have acted in a civil, forgetting that the psychological state of anger is a condition that blurs the rational approach to problems, accept the appeal and annulled the sentence with reference. Stoats state that the conduct of the worker was expressive of an outburst of hatred and malice towards those who, in the mind of the accused, had done him wrong and show that the GDP "should have considered: a) if the conduct persons defamed integrates an unjust and therefore the details of the provocation, b) if the conduct of the applicant could be seen as a reaction to this unjust act, c) if it resorted to the requirement of immediacy, given that (...) it is not necessary that the reaction is carried out at the same time when it is received the offense, it is sufficient if it takes place until the hard state of anger aroused by the provocative fact, nothing in noting that the time has elapsed, if the delay in reaction time is only depended on the nature and specific requirements of the instruments used for twisting the offense "." (Judgement reported by Lorenzo Lorusso).

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SoNiYb Award: Sketches of nature in your blog!

A prize to the 10 blogs of inspiration for us Eco-Blogger 2. 0:

  1. Claudia of Life in a impact ... for the great experiment that is living and documenting!
  2. Moraine green hair ... Because it's my favorite illustrator!
  3. Erbaviola ... because you have all the teachers!
  4. of Barba ... barbaidee ... because everything starts from children!
  5. chiaralascura ... because I like people who brighten your life!
  6. Lo hens 2nd life ... for his poetry and experience!
  7. Cristina green idea why ... his world of nature is really all to read!
  8. Veggie of the queen of soap autoproduttrice ... because most of you no one ever!
  9. Nicole's recipes v ... why environmental sustainability is also seen from the table!
  10. Keroppi of nutrimenteveg because I just discovered and I love it already!

The rules of SoNiYb Award are:
  1. move from here to receive the award ^ __ ^
  2. enter the prize in your blog
  3. 10 bloggers in turn rewards the deserving SoNiYb Award and inform them of the award winning
  4. motivate the awards given
  5. remain faithful to continuing to reward eco-ideas!
Well ... ... What to say?
... we pass the eco-inspiration!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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"Vacation in Slovenia, no thanks!"

Dall'Amico Lorenzo Lorusso I received this letter, that the public willingly

"" The pitfalls of a local police out of control
holidays in Slovenia, no thanks!

Given that my cultural background and ethics have always respected and sometimes also defended the social or linguistic minorities in Italy, while condemning the excesses of certain nationalisms in place by both Italian citizens and those foreigners, I feel offended and outraged by the incident that happened recently in Slovenia.
Recatomi Sezana train station, ubicata subito dopo il confine italiano di Fernetti – un tempo presidiato dalla Guardia di Finanza e valico di forte transito verso la ex Jugoslavia – per ricevere mio figlio e la sua ragazza provenienti da una gita a Lubiana, mi sono visto fermare improvvisamente e pericolosamente da una pattuglia di sedicenti Vigili Urbani sloveni, la quale, pur operando in una zona territoriale considerata neutra – la cosiddetta “terra di nessuno” – dal punto di vista giuridico e dei trattati internazionali, ovvero a ridosso del cosiddetto Free Shop (una sorta di mini supermercato) ha insistito nella ricerca di un pretesto per sanzionarmi ad ogni costo. Non potendomi multare per altre infrazioni i due baldi agenti si sono inventati che non avrei had provided the "vignette", a kind of mite, ticket, to the Republic of Slovenia imposed on those traveling on the highway in that country. But the absurdity lies in the fact that my car did not come from the outside but from a simple connection to place a few meters from the Italian border. Apart from these so-called rudeness of staff (did not show any identification card to qualify as such) who worked - and I repeat for the avoidance of doubt - in Slovenian territory, one might add that they have claimed to be the beauty of 150 € pay immediately otherwise they would have seized my documents (driving license, ID card and vehicle registration document) e quelli del proprietario dell’autovettura. Un sequestro che viola tutte le leggi e anche il buon senso considerato che per rientrare a casa non avremmo potuto farlo senza le patenti di guida.
Non paghi dell’impresa i due agenti hanno anche fotografato l’autovettura nel momento in cui ho preteso da loro almeno un verbale scritto. Mi avrebbero mandato via senza verbale se non avessi insistito? E che fine avrebbe fatto quel denaro se fosse stato pagato in contanti ma senza verbalizzazione, visto che poi il proprietario dell’autovettura ha voluto pagare con il bancomat? Non si vuole accusare nessuno, per carità, ma qualche dubbio sorge spontaneo.
Mi chiedo se il Governo di Lubiana è al corrente di questi comportamenti, che ovviamente posso comprovare con ben tre testimoni?
Beh, se questo è il modo con il quale vengono trattati in Slovenia i turisti ci rinuncio ad andare in quel paese ed invito i miei connazionali a fare altrettanto.

Lorenzo Lorusso""

Da parte mia, dopo aver letto la lettera, aggiungo solo che capisco molto bene l'amarezza  e l'indignazione dell'amico Lorenzo per quanto accaduto a lui e alla sua famiglia a Sezana, perché anch'io, come lui, rispetto gli stranieri e le minoranze che si trovano in Italia (conosciamo tutti quale is the wind blowing in our country), but as this feeling is put to the test (not that it should be less) when the other side, as in the case reported, there is no respect similar.

Do Tight Boxers Stop Your Penis From Growing

AS Varese 1910 - Crotone: 1 (Pesoli) - 1

we ran out of GAS!

Offer 4 for holding opponents to a team like Varese and 'going too far, Zecchin, Ebagua, Pisano, Frara, weigh too much into the team, and the various cab, Neto, not courts able to shoulder alone the burden of these absences.
and 'a time of crisis and we must bite the bullet not to throw away everything that is good and' done up to now!
The refereeing as if by magic are almost always against! why we'll never know, but now we must take this into account!
Frosinone Crotone and the two squads are not practicing football and yet they put us in trouble sign that we are really cooked.
Zappino that an attack of nerves does not want to continue playing .. bah ... maybe 'you'd better rest a bit.
also analyzed the market in January would not accuse anyone of course! during the first round we had a bench "abundant" Eusepi, mustaches, Gambadoro, But all people who 'want to play .. and probably should have let them play Sannino more ... only for the balance of team .. but the company' has decided to give it up and this and 'was a small flaw in the sale .. Cellini 'was right, onerous contract and return null so on .. .. but' the Pinto and Alemao could leave them where they were ... maybe it would be better value to the players of Spring. Then the theorem
preached by Sannino and not 'exactly true ... who entered the place of those missing and not' the same thing ... I can 'perhaps be in terms of commitment but from the point of view of quality ...

Now you go to Livorno, a team that despite the change of coach shows all its limitations, Ebagua Pisano and fall but there will be Dos Santos and Courts .. in short, a Varese who for one reason or another, it 's never full. In ranking only

Reggina deceives us waiting for the match Atalanta - Torino, others who can play for the playoffs all have slowed down, see Pescara, Livorno, Novara.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Who Is Mia Of Nadine Jansen


The events: 3 of the heading - the par Bibie a populist
to 17 by Marc - a populist cu SO Bibie;
to 26 by Marc - the Arcivescul of the Udin incuintre the letôrs.

The initiatives, "continued de Letur Bibie par Furlan - Continuous reading of the Bible in Friulano" to is a unique event that I gjenar seems that way eg the first few times and Bibie Vignaria für par lete fur, rags wrist, InTune Lenghe minority them the Glesie de Puritât (Udin) Sunday to 3 Avril 2011, Sabido to 9 Avril .
Organizada de ARLeF - Agjenzie Regjonâl Lenghe furlane eg, de Province of Udine, Udine, de de Archdiocese of cultural associationism Glesie Furlane, and the accession à des ancje Provinciis of Gurize and Pordenone, de Gurize Archdiocese and the Diocese of de Concuardie- Pordenone and the Friuli Regjon patronage de Vignes Julie and the City of Udine .

pluie Par remarked ancjemò of the ATTENTION on the initiatives and the headquarters puesto de Letur continue to 2 am StadiS pensadis seradis "colaterâls" to the event by Avril: The main incuintri, healing of cultural associationism Glesie Furlane is davuelzarà joibe to 20:30 3 Marc aes them Glesie de de Puritât (Udin - dongje by Domo) and is intitulât "The Bibie par populism" them that the intervignaran protagoniscj de de aprovazion it preparation and the test turned:
- Duilio Corgnale Bonsignore, this 1977 vicjari cultures de pe Episcopal Archdiocese of Udine and coordenadôr de interdiocesan commission from bibliscj and teolics prepara de pe Bibie. Al was the protagonist from ricognossiment uficiâl;
- Pre Romano Michelotti and Pre Antonio Cappellari, components of the commission and AMIS personal translator Pre Anthony Bellina. The other

incuintri, "a populist cu SO Bibie" artistic diretor par treatment from the event, Federico Rossi, previodût is at par to 17 joibe Marc aes 20:30 , folkloric them Glesie de de Puritât, as arguments and launches the impuartance de dimension de Identität antropologjiche and cultural Orizont this universalistic de Bibie. intervignaran A:
- Bonsignore Rinaldo Fabris, a professor of biblical exegesis and President of Biblical Pairing Talian;
- Prof. Franco Fabbro, neuropsicolic and professor of neuropsychiatry to and from the University of Friuli. At
will own the event by Artistic Diretor "Letur continuous par de Bibie furlan" to present the dibatit.

Finally, it seems previodût sabido to 26 Marc aes 15:30 you Catedral Udin, incuintri the spiritual culture of Arcivescul Udin, Bons. Andrea Bruno Mazzocato, and letôrs-volontaris . It will be the Occasion par de ringraziâju their disponibilitât sotliniâ and their actions at the impuartance de services de proclamazion peraule de Diu.

Specailized Crossroads

those who have no shoes to go barefoot, and who has brought her a little more 'out beyond the two

arrives in March. The best month of the year. Even in 2011. Below few, brief reports, very interesting, I just ...

Players Magazine is an interesting film magazine, video games and various entertainment. I discovered by chance, when I downloaded the first issue that had Black Swan on the cover (the film of the moment, in spite of the determination that the paper had every chance to please me more) and it is worth . From March 4 is a free download for all the second number, but if you want you can actively contribute through donations.

Publisher Morgan, one of the publishing houses involved in the re-proposal of GK Chesterton, published an absolutely unprecedented in the Italian public, The return of Don Quixote, at least from what is apparent from the card, I could already add to the list of my favorites, always announced in March is an intriguing essay by Mario Baudino, entitled kills more pen an essay on the presence of the book (and bilbiofilia / bilbiofollia) in fiction and yellow are really curious to give it a look.

It does not end here ...

Monday, February 28, 2011

Foto Denise

Is this the solution? The Senate is

The world is watching, but not only, also gives us some advice (advertising campaign Peta, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ):

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Once upon a time ...

I started to think about things that I can remember, I started to ask why at all because for me it has always been very important.
... Why are we doing this?, Why should I eat? Why go to this place? Why should I study it ....
If at first seemed to be a bit 'strange As time went on I realized that perhaps this constant demand for explanation was not such a bad habit.
One day about 18 years old sitting in front of a computer I wondered why the biggest I'd ever have to ask: why does this happen? because we do this? because no one stop this? Why do we eat animals?
was a morning, I was in first year at university and after class I and a friend of mine had gone to a library that also had telematics classrooms, then I had the computer so if I wanted navigate the only thing was to find places that they had after college and this was a good place.
I started surfing the web do not remember what I was looking so 'only happens sul sito della Lav, un’associazione che nata dalla lotta alla vivisezione a metà degli anni ‘70 poi si è sviluppata su moltissime tematiche tra cui il vegetarianesimo.
C’è da dire una cosa(aprendo una piccola parentesi...) non sono mai stata nuova a questo tipo di sensibilità.
Da che ne ho memoria mio fratello si chiamava Golia e con Golia giocavo, parlavo, piangevo ed è sempre stato un vero amico, come solo un cane può essere: era uno Schnauzer gigante nero con una frangia e una barbetta simpatica ma che se si arrabbiava erano cavoli amari.
Non sono I grew up in a family that has passed special values \u200b\u200bof love for animals, it should not be to them, have always been so, so I think we are born with the feeling for life is not acquired, rather it may be that you are born but do not you know and you're repressing, yes.
Goliath and I loved it when at the age of 13 years I found him under the trees of the garden of my house hidden and panting, was a tragedy.
picked him up, now very thin on the age and his illness so that I could easily pick it up and took it home, where I called my parents Immediately notify your veterinarian.
My father came home from work, took it and put it in his car to study the veterinarian told me that he died en route.
I remember like it was yesterday him and what I felt and feel for Goliath never forget it.
Goliath but it was not the only dog \u200b\u200bthat was part of the family when I was about ten years we adopted Penny, Charlie and Whisky girl and boy respectively (brother and sister) of German shepherd and cocker boy (and favorite of my mom).
I loved my brothers and sister, though of a different kind from mine and I loved them too.
I have always believed that it was normal to grow up with family Canidae, but when I found myself talking with classmates and friends I realized that was not exactly like that and then I threw in my big question "why?"
Yes, because I could not understand how it could be possible to live without affection, love, care and joy like the one Goliath, Penny, Charlie Whisky and gave it to me?
how my days would be sad if it were not for them!
Now I and my fellow canines have two children, two half-breeds, and share life with them, Liu and string.

(closed parenthesis ...)

But I said ... it was one morning, I was in the first year of college and after classes I and my friend had gone to a library, I began to wander the web, I happened on the site where I read the Lav of vegetarianism.
From there the step was' really quick.
Vegetarianism: that strange word vegetarian + th ... as if it were a historical period. ... maybe. ... I thought ....
Slowly I began leafing between pages and I came across some photos, not me I took more from the mind.
photos depicting cows killed just hung in the butcher's hooks and skinned. It was the first time you connect = ANIMAL FOOD.
I turned to my friend and I said enough, now I'm vegetarian.
Like all things I do best (when I act but I do not think) since that day I became a vegetarian and that giorno sono passati 10 anni di cambiamenti ed evoluzioni, di persone ed esperienze che mi hanno cambiata profondamente, ora sulla soglia dei trent’anni tutto nella mia vita è cambiato tranne una cosa: da quel giorno non ho più mangiato un essere senziente e finalmete posso dire di amare davvero tutte le creature viventi.
Ai tempi della mia prima decisione vivevo in Sicilia e il fatto d’esser vegetariana poteva esser equiparato ad avere una strana malattia.
Tutti mi chiedevano il perché.
Perché non mangi niente?
Perché fai una cosa così?
Why do your parents do not do anything?
So why is it always centered my life and my thoughts.
I had a boyfriend for a celebration of his family had to organize the first week so that I could eat something.
I had another boyfriend who tried to be there but maybe he was more interested in impressing on me that the concept of being vegetarian.
And then there were friends who love animals as soon as they improvised I saw but forgot that I was biting into a sandwich with ham.
The fact is that always at the same time that I declare myself a vegetarian (vegan and now) all of a sudden they feel under attack as if someone had started a war scrutinizing their choices and their lives, as if themselves unwittingly accusing them of something, as if deep down in front of a vegetarian or vegan carnivores are forced to face his choices.

And it is exactly what happens?

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WITH U.S. never win! NOVARA - VARESE 1-1 (Pisano) A NOVARA

The Varese, Novara on the carpet, ripping a point of the blue card that once again they fail to win against their bete noire. Certainly not a Novara champagne that seen Saturday with a Varese that the 40th might well scoff with Concas .....
The hope is' to review the play and of course remove them off!