I try every day! When I was little, I can not remember if the third or fourth grade, the lesson of "alternative" alternative to religion matter in fact, we were asked to develop an association that groups make a billboard " advertise "an 'association of our own creation and therefore the playbill explain the values \u200b\u200band principles of our association. Me and my best friend then made myself an association for the protection of animals.
Needless to say ...
And I'm not making this up, it's all true! Cressi
When I started a little bit excited about the almost obsessive nature documentaries, ricordo che un periodo, forse intorno alle prima o seconda media iniziai a “sbobinare” (termine molto caro a tutti gli universitari!) cioè trascrivere parole per parola un documentario sulla balenottera azzurra e scrissi scrissi scrissi tanto che imparai a memoria tutto il documentario (magari avessi fatto così pure per il latino classico!)
Quando arrivai alla maturità e dovevo decidere cosa fare, la mia scelta fu’ la facoltà di veterinaria ovviamente ma per una serie di inimmaginabili reazioni a catena questa scelta fu’ scartata e mi ritrovai a iniziare scienze biologiche alla facoltà di scienze matematiche, fisiche e naturali.
Ho sempre amato la natura, gli animali e ho sempre pensato al mio futuro come intrecciato ad essi.
D’improvviso verso i vent’anni arrivò il momento della fotografia e qui mi lasciai andare, adoravo scattare fotografie di insetti, corteccie, fiori, panorami, tutto purchè fosse natura.
Il mio percorso di vita mano a mano mi portò ad avvicinarmi a molte associazioni animaliste ed ecologiste, a conoscere molte persone vicine e sensibili alla questione animale ed alla situazione ecologica nel quale versava e versa il nostro pianeta.
Con il mio percorso di studi mi vennero risolti molti perché ma ne sono rimasti molti altri da risolvere e che forse non riuscirò mai a risolvere.
Dal 2007 mi sono consacrata alla rete avendo deciso di aprire questo blog dove ho iniziato a trattare temi a me molto molto cari come il cibo, gli animali, l’ecologia e l’autoproduzione.
L’autoproduzione il mio terzo amore dopo gli animali e l’ecologia.
Da quando l’ho scoperta ho anche scoperto che in fondo la pratico da sempre grazie alla parsimonia che mi ha trasmesso mia nonna e quando avevo 14 anni seppur in modo spartano dopo che un’estate in una vacanza a casa di alcuni parenti una cugina mi diede un articolo su come “farsi delle creme” in casa con erbe e piante iniziai collezionando articoli di riviste in un quadernone ad anelli che usavo guardandolo e riguardandolo e….booom! la svolta!
Inziai a collezionare vasetti strani che potevano essermi utili chissà per quale ragione e l’autoproduzione was' a boon, in fact, than the second near my school and there was no herbalist discovered the green clay el'henne! At 16 he was already red very red and I loved the self ... but I did not know his name like that!
After a short time after the blog, by the discovery of many forums and various blogs, my choice never veered towards veganism or anything derived from animals.
From that moment I felt very aware of my choices when it comes to cruelty-free.
When my parents separated and I moved to the University of Milan in my second year I met a fellow student who shortly thereafter became the my life partner. Thanks to him I opened my eyes to a world which until then had underestimated the critical consumption and the choices in terms of consumption.
He explained many things and told me on many others. The campaign to boycott Coca-Cola, McDonald's on that, the campaigns carried out of the water, among others, Vandana Shiva, the Nestle boycott campaign, the existence of a wonderful guide to critical consumption.
I realized that we had found.
Now both grown much stronger and aware of our ideas we are left to explain to friends, relatives and anyone who poses questions about why it is born the concept of boycott, because it is important to be aware of the power that you have from consumers and it is important to act implementing and making informed choices follow the practice to theory.
I've always been a lover of nature and the plant world, I always loved growing small seedlings, since I shared house with other students I was the one with the map on the desk ...
With the opening of my blog has opened a world of trivia and information that did not know before, I discovered writers like Marinella Correggia, journalist and writer, a true muse, Grace Cacciola, blogger friend and fabulous writer, and through the university I discovered and read "Silent Spring" R. Carlson and "close the circle" by B. Commoner two cornerstones of the environmental movement, then through another course in the university I discovered more and more pollution, about the biomarkers, the biological and saw "An Inconvenient Truth" Al Gore and I have studied the highlights.
During the time I have a passion for macrobiotic cooking and reading Michio Kushi also participating in a course of recognition of edible wild plants and a macrobiotic cooking class, discovering it to many concepts that I agree with simple and effective for some time.
Now I believe that my life will be forever intertwined in the world of ecology, animals and nature and so 'that really made me feel when I can say that we have really done something to improve things every day why I try to do it.