course in micro seems to be so but in the totality of expenditure is not for one simple reason: the eco-friendly choice is expected to decrease even before the same choice! If I
by I have to plan a vegan dinner of my choice will involve: cereal + legume + vegetables + fruit, that of a carnivore first + second + boundary + fruit ... all things being equal in quality to 90% of those who save will be economically I, no matter what the carnivore will!
Also ... I'll explain: in the case of choosing an eco-friendly detergent that is not tested on animals, which is biodegradable and thus meets the sea and the ecosystem is certainly more expensive than any detergent "traditional "But the fact remains that if I will buy it I will use wisely, will not use bleach (which pollutes a lot !!!)...
... but pre-treat with biodegradable soap,
maybe I will use a full load (not to waste water) and low temperatures (to reduce energy consumption!) Because being environmentally sustainable is not just about choice of detergent in itself but also the whole outline at the end ... so who really have spared when the simple statement will be me or the lady happy to have purchased the wonderful scent of detergent which pollutes the seas and mountains, lakes, however, but from ' the scent of arctic breeze? ... do not forget that there are also "environmental costs" and not only economic in the strict sense and immediate!
Things are always seen in their complex and never cut so as not to be aware of the speech ...
In addition, companies that produce sustainable products often also tend to have a sustainable eco-chain, which increases costs and this, of course, affects the price final.
And yet, as the green market has expanded especially in recent times we must remember that it is still limited and therefore it is clear that prices are a little higher.
Finally, if we go to see the incidence of a product, that the ingredients that make it clear why a soap dishes with lemon essential oil costs more than washing dishes with a lemon scent to make the most ... classic examples. ...
It 'true that some large retailers provide names of excellent products from the point of view of sustainability in terms of money: an example is the label co-branded toilet paper ... Or
with regard to the biological ( because let's not forget that "we are what we eat!": the choice of eating and using organic products inevitably has an impact on our pockets even before the body: this does not mean that those who chose the bio is a "chicken" as some claim but just noticed that he is in choice in both choice of products from the brands, here is the other one does not: a marchio che produce un certo bene con materia prima cinese sarà diverso da un marchio che produce con materia prima derivante dal territorio italiano, il primo magari costerà meno ma oltre alla provenienza in termini di sicurezza (altro paese altre regole) tale bene avrà viaggiato parecchio, quindi addio impatto zero, addio ecologia, addio sostenibilità; e ancora, chi sceglie il biologico in genere è anche ben attento alla tracciabilità e alla ricchezza del territorio, biologico và di pari passo con ecologico ed ecosostenibile e la sostenibilità deriva anche dalla scelta LOCALE innanzitutto e STAGIONALE...che senso ha mangiare delle fragole biologiche se siamo a dicembre e se arrivano dal Brasile?
Quindi sì, per fare una spesa sostenibile bisogna fare attenzione a molte cose, soprattutto all'inizio ma poi proprio come tutte le cose ci si prende l'abitudine ma la cosa che ci si ricorda sempre è che di fronte alla scelta di un prodotto.
Una buona guida soprattutto all'inizio può essere " Guida al consumo critico " e può anche essere utile dare un'occhiata a " Bilanci di giustizia ".
Infine qualche consiglio per chi vegan e "consumatore critico" alle prime armi si ritrova a fare la spesa:
- ricordarsi che in 'the fundamentals are vegan foods: legumes and oilseeds (and of course fresh fruits and vegetables) so if you opt for dried beans and save a lot if they take the seeds in bulk you can change much more easily with both doses of the variety!
- always make a list: you will forget something without a list and you will find yourself buying useless products!
- not go to the grocery store if you are hungry: It seems stupid, but without proof, if you are hungry you can fill the basket of filthy shit!
- prefer home made to take away: start to self-produce, it is easy and fun and then it's really satisfying; some examples? milk plant (see HERE and HERE ), tofu, sauerkraut, seitan, the yogurt ...
- also started to experiment in the "beauty": deodorant, toothpaste , soap, lip balm , hair gel, hair color are just some of the products that you can achieve in home with little money and a lot of satisfaction!
- rethink the long-term choices: try mooncup instead of absorbing and tampa x ( ... just do the average account ... the cycle of a woman starts 13 years before who-who-after and ends 50 years year years .... do not we eat a pack and a half month-absorbent always do everything very well-rounded 1pacco X 37 and a half years that would then be 444 months, ie a pack and a half X 444mesi SAY '666 PACKS OF ABSORBENT if ... then do as I did and bought towels unbranded to spend more or less than 3 € the package ... well ... 666pacchi 3euro X went on to be ... that is about 1998 € 2000 € of money spent on disposable absorbent ...!!!!... but can you imagine! ... and this is one more reason to choose the menstrual cups ... no?) !
- tested also as regards household cleaners, an example? washing the dishes !
- not buy junk, saying that both do not eat: we eat when we are there is little you can do: The solution is for the faux-junk (an example? Yes no corn chips for popcorn or sunflower seeds ...) and save health will thank you!
- remember that (finally!) From 1 January 2011, the plastic bags are banned, take along green cloth bags ( HERE excellent tutorial to get the bags themselves and HERE a wonderful site Institute to explore!)
I finally read this great article , if you also want to read it ...
good costs, critics of course!
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