Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Who Is Mia Of Nadine Jansen


The events: 3 of the heading - the par Bibie a populist
to 17 by Marc - a populist cu SO Bibie;
to 26 by Marc - the Arcivescul of the Udin incuintre the letôrs.

The initiatives, "continued de Letur Bibie par Furlan - Continuous reading of the Bible in Friulano" to is a unique event that I gjenar seems that way eg the first few times and Bibie Vignaria für par lete fur, rags wrist, InTune Lenghe minority them the Glesie de Puritât (Udin) Sunday to 3 Avril 2011, Sabido to 9 Avril .
Organizada de ARLeF - Agjenzie Regjonâl Lenghe furlane eg, de Province of Udine, Udine, de de Archdiocese of cultural associationism Glesie Furlane, and the accession à des ancje Provinciis of Gurize and Pordenone, de Gurize Archdiocese and the Diocese of de Concuardie- Pordenone and the Friuli Regjon patronage de Vignes Julie and the City of Udine .

pluie Par remarked ancjemò of the ATTENTION on the initiatives and the headquarters puesto de Letur continue to 2 am StadiS pensadis seradis "colaterâls" to the event by Avril: The main incuintri, healing of cultural associationism Glesie Furlane is davuelzarà joibe to 20:30 3 Marc aes them Glesie de de Puritât (Udin - dongje by Domo) and is intitulât "The Bibie par populism" them that the intervignaran protagoniscj de de aprovazion it preparation and the test turned:
- Duilio Corgnale Bonsignore, this 1977 vicjari cultures de pe Episcopal Archdiocese of Udine and coordenadôr de interdiocesan commission from bibliscj and teolics prepara de pe Bibie. Al was the protagonist from ricognossiment uficiâl;
- Pre Romano Michelotti and Pre Antonio Cappellari, components of the commission and AMIS personal translator Pre Anthony Bellina. The other

incuintri, "a populist cu SO Bibie" artistic diretor par treatment from the event, Federico Rossi, previodût is at par to 17 joibe Marc aes 20:30 , folkloric them Glesie de de Puritât, as arguments and launches the impuartance de dimension de Identität antropologjiche and cultural Orizont this universalistic de Bibie. intervignaran A:
- Bonsignore Rinaldo Fabris, a professor of biblical exegesis and President of Biblical Pairing Talian;
- Prof. Franco Fabbro, neuropsicolic and professor of neuropsychiatry to and from the University of Friuli. At
will own the event by Artistic Diretor "Letur continuous par de Bibie furlan" to present the dibatit.

Finally, it seems previodût sabido to 26 Marc aes 15:30 you Catedral Udin, incuintri the spiritual culture of Arcivescul Udin, Bons. Andrea Bruno Mazzocato, and letôrs-volontaris . It will be the Occasion par de ringraziâju their disponibilitât sotliniâ and their actions at the impuartance de services de proclamazion peraule de Diu.


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