Thursday, March 10, 2011

Jewel De'nyle & Shelly Martinez


Si sta avvicinando l'anniversario di "Italia 150" e mi piace segnalare l'articolo apparso ieri sull'inserto "Journeys" de Republic - "Seattle, the places of our history" , Gian Luca Favetto - that traces the many places in the city linked to the events that accompanied the birth of the unified state. And as for a certain period Turin is a city that, in addition to having attended because of its proximity to my place of origin - Pinerolo - I also lived, because, well, my confidence (a term used with a lot of the Piedmont sparingly) to the city of the Mole, I would like to recall here the words used by the writer Giuseppe_Culicchia in his book "Seattle is my home" (Yale University Press, 2005):

'Apart to be my city, Turin is also my home. And as each house contains an entrance hall, the Porta Nuova train station, a kitchen, the market of Porta Palazzo, a bathroom, the Po, and then of course the place of Piazza San Carlo, and this terrace is the Parco del Valentino, and Balon of the closet, and a host of other things and other stories. "


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