Friday, March 11, 2011

Is It Ok To Leave Dress Shirts Untucked

Asbestos barracks in Pordenone in Friuli Venezia Giulia: an update of the 'Centre National Asbestos "Amarcord Fvg

I get by Lorenzo Lorusso, coordinator for the Friuli Venezia Giulia 's Asbestos National Observatory, the following article to update the dossier "asbestos in the barracks, where it says inter alia, that the category of employees of the Guardia di Finanza has eighteen members - and add to the wife of one of them - the former regional registry exposed asbestos, and four died:

"Asbestos, that insurmountable limit of the barracks ...

There is confusion and concern among the employees of the Guardia di Finanza of Friuli Venezia Giulia, a long line of access to administrative documents held at the Health, the Civil Engineers and the Municipality of Trieste has allowed some financiers willing to inspect several hundred pages of documents: plans, and sophisticated chemical analysis designed to quantify the asbestos fibers are released into some barracks during the reclamation, reporting to the Prosecutor's Office entered into by the Company Sanitaria Triestina. Tutta questa documentazione – ottenuta legittimamente in base al combinato disposto della legge 7 agosto 1990 nr. 241 e del D.P.R. nr. 184 del 2006 – ha un unico comune denominatore, ci dice una sola cosa: molte caserme della nostra Regione erano piene di amianto di ogni genere, compatto e friabile. Non solo. Una vastissima zona del porto, dove per molti anni sono stati scaricati sacchi di amianto, è tutt’ora coperta da tettoie in eternit di pessima qualità e in stato di totale abbandono.
Dicevamo sopra che ci sono alcuni fascicoli presso la Procura che, ovviamente, riguardano coloro che si sono ammalati di mesotelioma della pleura o di altre patologie asbesto correlate. Il reato ipotizzato from various Italian prosecutors in similar cases is to " multiple manslaughter or negligently causing injury or serious, committed in violation of safety regulations and the protection of hygiene and health at work," covered under Article 25 - f Legislative Decree no. 231/2001.
We know for a fact that fewer than 18 employees of the Guardia di Finanza, who worked or continue to operate in the Friuli Venezia Giulia, and also the wife of one of them, were included in the Regional Registry of complaints following an assessment Health technology made by the Company. Unfortunately, at least four operators of the Guardia di Finanza - in the categories of non-commissioned officers, graduated and financiers - have already died after a long and tortured agonies. Baffles and saddened to learn that one of the widows we had met recently, not long ago been answered officially by the Command of the Guardia di Finanza di Trieste something like this: "to get the due recognition of the service her husband's face the demand. " Clearly, this officer of the body completely ignores that there is a procedure in these cases and that he should fulfill his obligation. E 'disheartening to think that a widow, between pain and various family duties, we should also worry to file a petition to the Command for the Administration as having what her husband already knows, which is a right guaranteed by law.
As mentioned, the end of the seventies and eighties, passed through the port of Trieste bags containing asbestos crushed, often mixed with soil or other substances that make it difficult to identify, was the period in which not all The bags have the following inscription - the logo with an "a" stylized - which identifies the content, which became mandatory for all materials containing asbestos. The financiers who worked in customs officers were finding the goods with direct verification of the content, but this was carried out without necessary protection: gloves, overalls and masks BN5U. These are the only effective means to prevent the asbestos microfibers to penetrate into the airways of people working at close range with asbestos. The traditional medical masks of cloth or cardboard reinforced that we often see in circulation and that they are quite effective against some dust, are not sufficient to prevent the penetration of asbestos.
What financiers ammalatisi mesothelioma or asbestos-related disease is a statistically higher than the national average divided by area or by categories of workers, it said in some sections and Some conferences also Prof. Claudio Bianchi, an eminent forensic pathologist and a leading national experts in the field of mesothelioma of the pleura. Also shows that, in the area by foot and the nearby Via Sant'Andrea Locchi, a few dozen meters from the former factory machinery, as well as financiers have also died and two women living in the place that had nothing to do with the barracks. This statistical fact, without wanting to alarm or accuse someone, indicates the danger zone, from one building into a barracks (Regional Command), despite having already suffered three reclamation, it was not possible to remove a substantial portion of asbestos residue.
of how fearful l’amianto si sapeva anche negli anni Quaranta e Cinquanta (all’uopo vedasi legge delega 12 febbraio 1955, nr. 51) ma in Italia è stato messo al bando con la legge nr. 257 del 1992, quella che ha preceduto di soli due anni la più popolare legge 626/1994 sulla sicurezza degli ambienti di lavoro. Resta da chiedersi come mai si è proceduto così lentamente nelle opere di bonifica e sorgono alcuni dubbi quando nello stesso luogo di lavoro ci sono troppe morti sospette. L’azione penale è obbligatoria e, pertanto, siamo certi che la magistratura esaminerà con scrupolo tutte le segnalazioni pervenutele – tenendo conto che già con il decreto 303 del 1956 sono state individuate quasi tutte le casistiche penali in tema di asbestos - as well as press reports that the articles have been written in recent years and the three parliamentary questions that the financiers have recently received from members of the Government, Opposition and the Mixed Group. A bipartisan commitment to mean that health issues do not have a political color. This battle to protect public health would not be possible to put it in place without the key and professional aid Advocate Ezio Bonanni the Court of Rome, Prof. Claudio Bianchi of Monfalcone and engineering professor Prof. Marino Valle di Trieste (expert Part of the financiers). But special praise goes to the painstaking job of President of the Friuli Asbestos Exposed Venezia Giulia, Aurelio Pischianz, che con il suo impegno e la sua costanza sta scalfendo quel muro invalicabile del silenzio che ci stava circondando. Pischianz ha dato voce a chi ora non potrebbe più parlare per difendersi, all’operaio Roberto Persich (simbolo della battaglia contro l’amianto) ma anche a tutti coloro che sono morti per colpa dell’inerzia di chi avrebbe dovuto tutelare la salute dei lavoratori, finanzieri compresi.

Lorenzo Lorusso"


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