The world is watching, but not only, also gives us some advice (advertising campaign Peta, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ):
Monday, February 28, 2011
Foto Denise
Is this the solution? The Senate is
The world is watching, but not only, also gives us some advice (advertising campaign Peta, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ):
The world is watching, but not only, also gives us some advice (advertising campaign Peta, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ):
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Once upon a time ...
I started to think about things that I can remember, I started to ask why at all because for me it has always been very important.
... Why are we doing this?, Why should I eat? Why go to this place? Why should I study it ....
If at first seemed to be a bit 'strange As time went on I realized that perhaps this constant demand for explanation was not such a bad habit.
One day about 18 years old sitting in front of a computer I wondered why the biggest I'd ever have to ask: why does this happen? because we do this? because no one stop this? Why do we eat animals?
was a morning, I was in first year at university and after class I and a friend of mine had gone to a library that also had telematics classrooms, then I had the computer so if I wanted navigate the only thing was to find places that they had after college and this was a good place.
I started surfing the web do not remember what I was looking so 'only happens sul sito della Lav, un’associazione che nata dalla lotta alla vivisezione a metà degli anni ‘70 poi si è sviluppata su moltissime tematiche tra cui il vegetarianesimo.
C’è da dire una cosa(aprendo una piccola parentesi...) non sono mai stata nuova a questo tipo di sensibilità.
Da che ne ho memoria mio fratello si chiamava Golia e con Golia giocavo, parlavo, piangevo ed è sempre stato un vero amico, come solo un cane può essere: era uno Schnauzer gigante nero con una frangia e una barbetta simpatica ma che se si arrabbiava erano cavoli amari.
Non sono I grew up in a family that has passed special values \u200b\u200bof love for animals, it should not be to them, have always been so, so I think we are born with the feeling for life is not acquired, rather it may be that you are born but do not you know and you're repressing, yes.
Goliath and I loved it when at the age of 13 years I found him under the trees of the garden of my house hidden and panting, was a tragedy.
picked him up, now very thin on the age and his illness so that I could easily pick it up and took it home, where I called my parents Immediately notify your veterinarian.
My father came home from work, took it and put it in his car to study the veterinarian told me that he died en route.
I remember like it was yesterday him and what I felt and feel for Goliath never forget it.
Goliath but it was not the only dog \u200b\u200bthat was part of the family when I was about ten years we adopted Penny, Charlie and Whisky girl and boy respectively (brother and sister) of German shepherd and cocker boy (and favorite of my mom).
I loved my brothers and sister, though of a different kind from mine and I loved them too.
I have always believed that it was normal to grow up with family Canidae, but when I found myself talking with classmates and friends I realized that was not exactly like that and then I threw in my big question "why?"
Yes, because I could not understand how it could be possible to live without affection, love, care and joy like the one Goliath, Penny, Charlie Whisky and gave it to me?
how my days would be sad if it were not for them!
Now I and my fellow canines have two children, two half-breeds, and share life with them, Liu and string.
(closed parenthesis ...)
But I said ... it was one morning, I was in the first year of college and after classes I and my friend had gone to a library, I began to wander the web, I happened on the site where I read the Lav of vegetarianism.
From there the step was' really quick.
Vegetarianism: that strange word vegetarian + th ... as if it were a historical period. ... maybe. ... I thought ....
Slowly I began leafing between pages and I came across some photos, not me I took more from the mind.
photos depicting cows killed just hung in the butcher's hooks and skinned. It was the first time you connect = ANIMAL FOOD.
I turned to my friend and I said enough, now I'm vegetarian.
Like all things I do best (when I act but I do not think) since that day I became a vegetarian and that giorno sono passati 10 anni di cambiamenti ed evoluzioni, di persone ed esperienze che mi hanno cambiata profondamente, ora sulla soglia dei trent’anni tutto nella mia vita è cambiato tranne una cosa: da quel giorno non ho più mangiato un essere senziente e finalmete posso dire di amare davvero tutte le creature viventi.
Ai tempi della mia prima decisione vivevo in Sicilia e il fatto d’esser vegetariana poteva esser equiparato ad avere una strana malattia.
Tutti mi chiedevano il perché.
Perché non mangi niente?
Perché fai una cosa così?
Why do your parents do not do anything?
So why is it always centered my life and my thoughts.
I had a boyfriend for a celebration of his family had to organize the first week so that I could eat something.
I had another boyfriend who tried to be there but maybe he was more interested in impressing on me that the concept of being vegetarian.
And then there were friends who love animals as soon as they improvised I saw but forgot that I was biting into a sandwich with ham.
The fact is that always at the same time that I declare myself a vegetarian (vegan and now) all of a sudden they feel under attack as if someone had started a war scrutinizing their choices and their lives, as if themselves unwittingly accusing them of something, as if deep down in front of a vegetarian or vegan carnivores are forced to face his choices.
And it is exactly what happens?
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The Varese, Novara on the carpet, ripping a point of the blue card that once again they fail to win against their bete noire. Certainly not a Novara champagne that seen Saturday with a Varese that the 40th might well scoff with Concas .....
The hope is' to review the play and of course remove them off!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
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fugitive asbestos
L ' Italian Association of Asbestos Exposed (IAEA) and Ban Asbestos Network of Milan, denounce, in their press release, the inaction of the Labour Commission of the Senate on the request, supported by over ten thousand signatures, "questioning [. ..] the bill Casson which involved asbestos and in particular the ex-exposed workers compensation insurance, eliminating the deadline for submission of applications that has no reason to exist. In fact, all those who have been exposed are at risk of contracting a disease caused by asbestos.
Not only that, but many have not been exposed under the necessary information and therefore could not submit the application in time (June 15, 2005).
Thus closes the statement: "Who is accused of an offense by the president of ThyssenKrupp , those responsible for multinational ETERNIT , the admirals of the Navy (to mention only the main processes underway on asbestos and fatal accidents at work), the President of the Council of Ministers, shall not interpose one thousand tricks to delay the process or even to destroy but rather his duty and right should be to work to reach as quickly as possible to the decision (the informed me it was reported by Lorenzo Lorusso, regional coordinator of the 'Asbestos National Observatory for the Friuli Venezia Giulia).
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Thursday, March 3, the Giro del Friuli cycling
E' was presented this morning Pordenone, the 33rd edition of the Giro del Friuli cycling for professionals. The next runners will start from March 3 to reach Pordenone Gorizia, passed through San Vito al Tagliamento and Palmanova. The race will conclude with a circuit to be repeated five times, focusing sull'ascesa leading to San Floriano del Collio, the caravan passes from 62 meters in elevation of the "intersection of San Floriano del Collio" within 276 meters of San Floriano (where there is the Gran Premio della Montagna), covering four kilometers and two hundred meters. At the start, riders will be especially attractive, the likes of Basso, Evans, Di Luca, Cunego, Pozzato, Ballan, Friulian Gasparotto. In the hope that the wait should not be disappointed, because the five ascents in San Floriano could cause some leakage.
Friday, February 25, 2011
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Also in Italy the nearest seed bombs! Mineral Cosmetics Review
The project was designed and created by Merci les Amis , an association that deals with communication for active participation and sustainability , besides being a web portal with news from the world of sustainable development and community planning ( ).
Arriva in Italia il distributore di bombe di semi! Palline di terra argillosa e semi per far rifiorire gli spazi abbandonati della tua città.
Le Bombe di Semi sono fatte dello stesso impasto del làdiri , il mattone tradizionale sardo in terra cruda, fatto con terra argillosa e paglia ed essiccato al sole.
Nell’impasto sono stati inseriri dei semi di calendula, nasturzium, astro, fiori di roccia ed altri semi ad alta germinabilità. Basta lanciare le Bombe di Semi in un campo incolto. La Natura farà il resto, e vedrai esplodere dei fiori!
Chiamatele come volete: polpette di terra, granate di argilla, palle di làdiri. Solo una cosa è importante: lanciarle e farle fiorire!
Le Bombe di Semi sono contenute in un vecchio distributore automatico da bar, che è stato recuperato e modificato per erogare – al prezzo simbolico di 1 euro – le nostre Bombe di Semi. In un’ottica reuse the bags to contain the seeds of small bombs were made of waste paper to roll the old printers (those old sheets with small holes on the side).
to other attacks or to cooperate or follow free the gardener in you: Guerrilla Gardening!
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150th unit of Italy: a lecture by prof. Fisichella
A brilliant lesson in the genesis of our state, one that has held this evening, Professor. Domenico Fisichella, a political scientist and former senator, the foyer of the Theatre "Pasolini" Casarsa. The meeting was part of the series of conferences that the City of Casarsa decided to dedicate the 150th unit of Italy. The professor, who wrote a book on the subject entitled "The Miracle of Risorgimento.La formation of a united" (Carocci editore), outlined the historical causes that have meant that Italy has come later than other countries Europe, the creation of the nation state. Between these two cases the foreign domination of different backgrounds and the presence of a State referred to the Pope, the situation is released through the beneficial effects of the emergence of ideas of the French Revolution and maturation, by House of Savoy, its aggregator possible role on the peninsula. The outcome of the Italian Risorgimento, for Fisichella, could not be monarchist and moderate, given the need for reassurance, anti-revolutionary request by the European powers. One teacher even joke about federalism, those who imagine an Italy in mid-federal 800, the intended meaning in a non-disruptive and aggregator, a reference to the controversial face-called "Federalists" of Italy today.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
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1511? yes, graciis. Cumò ator pal mont a carnival of muarts zovins. Zovins. And
Furlans? Zito. A fevelâ of cinccent agns ago and one Picula nassude stories ever. Dula are Furlans? dis, in ret. And Vonda. Ator no Furlans Viot. If I am, in Tasin. O fevelin par Taliani. No more dissendence.
Vie. Vie. Ni ni Furlans talians. Ducj cidins dentri tes nestris cjasutis cu lis rosutis sui barconuts! La lote? Sì, fin cuant che e je di chei altris. Intun altri timp o di une altre bande. Ma a matine al è biel stâ intal cjaldut intal jet.
No coventarès tant. Al bastarès di lâ vie in biciclete. Petrolio? Ch'a s'al bevin! Panei fotovoltaics invece di nucleâr e finalmentri cualchi sane machinute eletriche.
Ma nô ducj cito a tignî chel che nus dan e a disi ancje graciis!
1511! La rivolte intune altre maniere si à di fâ. Ma dulà sono i furlans? Dulà sono i talians? Nus puartin vie il mont IL MONT sot i pîts. Il mont si disfe. E nô, che o cirìn di cambiâ lenghe, o stin ducj cidins.
1511? yes, graciis. Cumò ator pal mont a carnival of muarts zovins. Zovins. And
Furlans? Zito. A fevelâ of cinccent agns ago and one Picula nassude stories ever. Dula are Furlans? dis, in ret. And Vonda. Ator no Furlans Viot. If I am, in Tasin. O fevelin par Taliani. No more dissendence.
Vie. Vie. Ni ni Furlans talians. Ducj cidins dentri tes nestris cjasutis cu lis rosutis sui barconuts! La lote? Sì, fin cuant che e je di chei altris. Intun altri timp o di une altre bande. Ma a matine al è biel stâ intal cjaldut intal jet.
No coventarès tant. Al bastarès di lâ vie in biciclete. Petrolio? Ch'a s'al bevin! Panei fotovoltaics invece di nucleâr e finalmentri cualchi sane machinute eletriche.
Ma nô ducj cito a tignî chel che nus dan e a disi ancje graciis!
1511! La rivolte intune altre maniere si à di fâ. Ma dulà sono i furlans? Dulà sono i talians? Nus puartin vie il mont IL MONT sot i pîts. Il mont si disfe. E nô, che o cirìn di cambiâ lenghe, o stin ducj cidins.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
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Passive smoking in the workplace: a ruling by the Supreme
A ruling of the Supreme Court, by his segnalatami Lorenzo Lorusso, the exact number. of 3227 February 10, 2011 - Supreme Court Civil Chamber, Labor, establishes an important principle in health in the workplace: call to judge the case of an employee exposed to secondhand smoke than cigarettes issued a colleague, the Supreme Court ruled that:
"a) the prevention of accidents protection of the worker extends the hypothesis of so-called improper specific risk, defined as that, while not material inherent in the act of work performance, concerns situations and activities closely related to the performance itself [...]; b) the concept of risk Environmental means that t is ROTECTION work in and of itself considered and not just one made at the machines, since the hazard on the working environment [...]; c) risk factors for diseases not tabulated include also those situations that harm , although applicants for non-work activities, however, constitute a specific risk for the insured ".
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
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Napolitano's pessimism Pasolini "non era del tutto infondato"
latest issue of L'Espresso , report a article di Walter Veltroni e Gianni Borgna sul caso della morte di Pier Paolo Pasolini. Gli autori ripercorrono le novità emerse negli ultimi anni, una serie di elementi che sembrano cambiare lo scenario che portò, nella notte tra l'1 e il 2 novembre 1975 all'idroscalo di Ostia, all'uccisione dello scrittore. Nella chiusa dell'articolo, Veltroni e Borgna si augurano che gli accertamenti in corso, a partire dai rilievi del RIS dei Carabinieri sul corpo dello scrittore, portino finalmente luce su quell'episodio. Sempre con riferimento a Pasolini, nell' intervista che il presidente della Repubblica ha rilasciato qualche giorno fa al quotidiano tedesco Welt am Sontag , Napolitano recalls his relationship with the estimate of intellectual Casarsa, describing it as "a visionary - and his visions were often bleak. But certainly presaged some of the developments that took place then really. His pessimism was not entirely unfounded." From the special vantage point of a President of the Republic, the political climate in which we live, these words are meditating.
Monday, February 21, 2011
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Music by Vitale
Year 2011 XXI edition
Conference Room of the Municipal Library
Music Association and the Cultural City of Codroipo
Public Library Don Gilberto Pressacco
Sunday, Feb. 27 - 10:45 am
Luigi Vitale vibraphone
Alessandro Turchet bass
During the interval a book in 10 minutes
Paul Maurensig presents his novel
"The gold of the immortal "
Morganti publishers
Sunday, March 6 - 10:45 am
Fabrizio Furci chitarra
Musiche di Turina, Albeniz, Furci, Baden Powell
Durante l’intervallo un libro in 10 minuti
Francesca Raffaella Guerra presenta la collana di romanzi gialli
“Friuli terra di misteri”
Ubi minor edizioni
Domenica 13 marzo – ore 10.45
Donne in musica
Blessano Elena, violin; Burco Eva, soprano; Sara Rigo, piano
Music by Mozart, Diehl, Hecker, Viardot
During 'a book in 10 minutes interval
Giovanna Simonetti presented her essay
"Trieste: the taste of history"
Image Library Editions
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| |
Ingresso libero
Dental Missed Appt Letter
Here's a nice blog dedicated to Flannery, that you must have read everything at least once. Finally released on March 2 the volume edited by A. Spadaro, which collects essays and letters published in Italy in the hope that sooner or later you decide to make us Einaudi find an edition of the correspondence a bit 'more abundant than that published.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Western Christmas Sayings
Antonio (Gramsci), Luca e Paolo
the pair of comedians Luca Bizzarri and Paolo Kessisoglu recite a text by Antonio Gramsci in the Sanremo Festival, frankly, no one would have expected. And I think that without the experience of Come away with me Fazio and Saviano last November, a piece of television so it would not really have imagined. A text, taken from "The City of Tomorrow, unique number of the Socialist Youth Federation Piedmont in 1917, also a literary great, who at times takes on tones of poetry, as the point where it says:
"What happens, the evil that befalls everyone, is because the mass of men abdicating to his will, leaving only enact laws which will repeal the revolt, leaving the men who come to power only then will overturn a mutiny."
Un testo che ancora una volta ci parla di un italiano a tutto tondo, che nella contrapposizione agli "indifferenti" richiama l'obbligo morale per tutti i cittadini alla responsabilità del vivere sociale e politico. Un richiamo che, in un periodo di distacco tra la politica e i cittadini, è come un balsamo contro la tentazione di lasciar perdere tutto, di rinchiudersi nel proprio guscio. Qui di seguito il video di Luca e Paolo, tratto dal sito de l'Unità , il giornale fondato da Gramsci nel 1924 e, sotto, il testo. Per chi volesse consultare il testo integrale di Antonio Gramsci, leggere qui :
"I hate the cold.
I think that living like to be partisan.
who lives really can not be a citizen and partisan. The indifference is apathy, is parasitism, it is cowardice, not life.
because I hate the cold.
Indifference is the dead weight of history.
Indifference operates powerfully in the story. Work passively, but it operates. E 'fate, which is what we can not rely on, is what upsets the programs, which brings down the best built planes, is the brute matter strangling intelligence. What happens, the evil that befalls everyone, is because the mass of men abdicating to his will, leaving only enact laws which will repeal the revolt, leaving the men who come to power only then will a mutiny to overthrow. Between absenteeism and indifference few hands, not supervised by any control, they weave the fabric of community life, and ignores the mass, because he cares, and then seems to be the fate to overwhelm everything and everyone, it seems that history does not is nothing but an enormous natural phenomenon, an eruption, an earthquake whose victims are all those who wanted and who did not want to, who knew and who did not know, who had been active and indifferent people. Some whine piteously, others swearing obscenely, but none or very few people wonder: If I had done my duty if I tried to assert my will, would have happened what happened?
hate the indifferent even to this: Why bother me with their eternal whining innocent.
I ask each of their account of how he played the role that life has placed and places every day of what he has done and especially what did not. And I feel I can be relentless, not having to waste my pity, not having to share them with my tears. "
I think that living like to be partisan.
who lives really can not be a citizen and partisan. The indifference is apathy, is parasitism, it is cowardice, not life.
because I hate the cold.
Indifference is the dead weight of history.
Indifference operates powerfully in the story. Work passively, but it operates. E 'fate, which is what we can not rely on, is what upsets the programs, which brings down the best built planes, is the brute matter strangling intelligence. What happens, the evil that befalls everyone, is because the mass of men abdicating to his will, leaving only enact laws which will repeal the revolt, leaving the men who come to power only then will a mutiny to overthrow. Between absenteeism and indifference few hands, not supervised by any control, they weave the fabric of community life, and ignores the mass, because he cares, and then seems to be the fate to overwhelm everything and everyone, it seems that history does not is nothing but an enormous natural phenomenon, an eruption, an earthquake whose victims are all those who wanted and who did not want to, who knew and who did not know, who had been active and indifferent people. Some whine piteously, others swearing obscenely, but none or very few people wonder: If I had done my duty if I tried to assert my will, would have happened what happened?
hate the indifferent even to this: Why bother me with their eternal whining innocent.
I ask each of their account of how he played the role that life has placed and places every day of what he has done and especially what did not. And I feel I can be relentless, not having to waste my pity, not having to share them with my tears. "
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Punti di ascolto anti-mobbing in Friuli Venezia Giulia
Yesterday afternoon, in the board room of the municipality of San Vito al Tagliamento, discussions of bullying were talking to the Dr. Cristina Caparesi and 'attorney Teresa Dennett, operating in the listening of the anti-bullying CISL present in Pordenone (Villa Carinthia, viale Martelli, 51, phone 0434-231495), Udine (Palace Belgrade Patriarchate Square, 5, Phone 0432-279524) and Gorizia (Via Manzoni, 5-33, telephone 0481-533321). The exposure of the speakers made the idea of \u200b\u200ba phenomenon that can affect anyone, but hard-surfaced by the same psychological situation of depression and self-devaluation engendered from being harassed. Those who overcome this obstacle and relevant conditions are met, intending to take legal action to obtain compensation, often face difficulties to the objective of documenting the situation of bullying suffered: in fact, is not always easy to collect sound recordings (considered legitimate by the Supreme Court - Section work - ruling 16 January to 8 May 2007, No. 10430, commented here) and testimonies of colleagues. The difficulties are exacerbated dal fatto che attualmente non esiste una legge nazionale dedicata al mobbing , nonostante l'invito rivolto dal Parlamento europeo con risoluzione 2001/2339. Le armi in possesso sono diverse: alcuni articoli della Costituzione (32 e 41), del Codice Civile (2043 e 2087), del Codice Penale, lo Statuto dei diritti dei lavoratori (artt. 9 e 15), il Dlgs n. 626/1994 (artt. 3, 4 e 17), alcune leggi regionali come nel caso della legge nr. 7/2005 del Friuli Venezia Giulia, la prassi amministrativa ( circolare nr. 71/2003 dell' Inail) . Proprio in forza della legge citata, nel Friuli Venezia Giulia sono presenti i Punti di ascolto anti-mobbing, come quello istituito dalla Cisl in collaborazione con le Province di Pordenone e Udine. La loro finalità è quella di offrire al lavoratore in difficoltà la possibilità di manifestare il proprio malessere lavorativo legato a situazioni di molestie morali e psicofisiche, mettendo a disposizione una consulenza che va da quella legale, a quella psicologica, a quella medica. Tra le cose ascoltate ieri pomeriggio, una in particolare mi ha colpito: che nella maggior parte dei casi portati a conoscenza dei Punti di ascolto, le situazioni riguardino lavoratori con contratto a tempo indeterminato: è probabile che un lavoratore a tempo determinato decida di non esporsi per due motivi: perché sa che con la fine del contratto termina il suo Calvary, or, considering that it faces in sustaining a "test", decides to bite the bullet, trying to "comply" fully with the wishes of their superiors (in the case of bullying "vertical") everything to gain "points" on a hypothetical transformation of his contract, at maturity, from temporary to permanent.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
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Vai, Rosy!
The proposal of Vendola for Rosy Bindi premier, beyond the coalition images (Fini to all the left) hits the nail for several reasons. To be, Bindi, Catholic and non-integral for his concept "ethics" of politics, for her to represent the dignity of women without a lot of rhetoric. Go, Rosie!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
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The Ties That Bind

III. The emotional ties are important, even in fiction, whether of love, friendship or rivalry, are an essential element in the narrative. It seems hard to think of a book or, especially, a film which lacks any. And of course I'm not talking about the harmony (of course this post is the discovery of hot water, do not shoot the pianist, please, geometry is an important thing).
Postilla.ho deliberately left to last on the list of books, authors and more that I had in mind (and a cui mi riferivo) mentre scrivevo gli ultimi post:
I. John Silver by Stevenson ; Corto Maltese by Pratt; Bilbo & Beorn by Tolkien; II/I. per il mistery , la poesia della realtà metropolitana come diceva Chesterton, la mia preferenza va a Agatha Christie, Edgar Allan Poe, la serie televisiva Colombo e Alfred Hitchcock; II/II. il western ha coinciso praticamente e perfettamente, per molto tempo, con i film di John Ford e Sergio Leone. E i fumetti di Tex e Ken Parker. Da un po' non è più così; III. padre e figlio di The Road ; Myskin, Rogozin e Natash'ja de L'idiota; Noodle, Max e Deborah di C'era una volta in America; Isabel and Hubert's By what authority?, Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala in Star Wars.
I. John Silver by Stevenson ; Corto Maltese by Pratt; Bilbo & Beorn by Tolkien; II/I. per il mistery , la poesia della realtà metropolitana come diceva Chesterton, la mia preferenza va a Agatha Christie, Edgar Allan Poe, la serie televisiva Colombo e Alfred Hitchcock; II/II. il western ha coinciso praticamente e perfettamente, per molto tempo, con i film di John Ford e Sergio Leone. E i fumetti di Tex e Ken Parker. Da un po' non è più così; III. padre e figlio di The Road ; Myskin, Rogozin e Natash'ja de L'idiota; Noodle, Max e Deborah di C'era una volta in America; Isabel and Hubert's By what authority?, Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala in Star Wars.
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look beyond
II.niente better than to talk about my favorite genres, but I can not do without taking a cue from some specific cases, without disturbing the books leave this time two TV drama series, distant in time and space. The first of which I speak is a thriller of the Seventies, Italian, entitled "The sign of the command" (5 episodes) and the second is a saga of the western half of the year zero, U.S. production, titled "Deadwood" (36 points) are the priceless pearls in cui mi sono imbattutto in questi ultimi anni e quindi penso siano adatte a introdurre alcuni spunti sull'argomento dei generi nella narrativa.
Per me la narrativa ha a che fare con la parola incantamento, e non solo nel senso di 'fantastico', è affare da storytellers, di chi ha la stoffa di imbastire una storia, senza tanti infingimenti, in cui più che spiegare, mostra la vita dell'uomo nell'essenzialità del suo dramma e della sua bellezza. Nel suo interrogarsi circa il futuro, la sua capacità di costruire una civiltà e il potere del male. Ma soprattutto mostrando tutto questo, e molto di più, con una capacità di unità che rispecchia proprio la vita e la realtà come si presenta ai nostri eyes. And this can definitely best for people who 'work' on the literary genres.
The sign of the command is unique and original. A perfect blend of espionage and the supernatural, mystery and love story.
words to describe Deadwood at this time I find them, I just had the opportunity to recover the third season remained unpublished in Italy and the first references that come to mind are The Godfather and The Gates of Heaven.
In both cases, the story is supported by figures in the round, as they say, masterful interpretations made from live, at least as regards the protagonists, and the successful and complete suspension of disbelief for which you are immersed up to the hair in that world and the 'plot which holds until the last breath, without a definitive closure of the issue. Essential feature of any narrative of any kind it is. Also because the genre is often an excuse, an easy way to field what an author presses; simply adore the locations of the classic yellow and those of the open horizons of the western, because they are the ones who are with me always, are part of me, speak directly to the heart. I will not waste other words, I seem an unnecessary addition to the one and only advice, at least as far as the two examples above: watch and enjoy. (2. To follow)
Per me la narrativa ha a che fare con la parola incantamento, e non solo nel senso di 'fantastico', è affare da storytellers, di chi ha la stoffa di imbastire una storia, senza tanti infingimenti, in cui più che spiegare, mostra la vita dell'uomo nell'essenzialità del suo dramma e della sua bellezza. Nel suo interrogarsi circa il futuro, la sua capacità di costruire una civiltà e il potere del male. Ma soprattutto mostrando tutto questo, e molto di più, con una capacità di unità che rispecchia proprio la vita e la realtà come si presenta ai nostri eyes. And this can definitely best for people who 'work' on the literary genres.
The sign of the command is unique and original. A perfect blend of espionage and the supernatural, mystery and love story.
words to describe Deadwood at this time I find them, I just had the opportunity to recover the third season remained unpublished in Italy and the first references that come to mind are The Godfather and The Gates of Heaven.
In both cases, the story is supported by figures in the round, as they say, masterful interpretations made from live, at least as regards the protagonists, and the successful and complete suspension of disbelief for which you are immersed up to the hair in that world and the 'plot which holds until the last breath, without a definitive closure of the issue. Essential feature of any narrative of any kind it is. Also because the genre is often an excuse, an easy way to field what an author presses; simply adore the locations of the classic yellow and those of the open horizons of the western, because they are the ones who are with me always, are part of me, speak directly to the heart. I will not waste other words, I seem an unnecessary addition to the one and only advice, at least as far as the two examples above: watch and enjoy. (2. To follow)
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Clear Liquid Before Period
l'ultima giornata del campionato cadetto viene archiviata con il Match Novara - Torino derby piemontese che vede i Novaresi imporsi per 1 a 0 con un autogol eclatante di un difensore granata.
Pertanto la classifica di vertice e' la seguente:
Il prossimo turno sembrerebbe a favore del Varese che affrontando il Frosinone fanalino di coda lunedi sera in posticipo deve take advantage to recover from the theft of Pescara (Pescara will go to Turin to face a demon Toro I hope).
Atalanta will be in Reggio Calabria (we could use a nice balance)
The Siena will play at home to Piacenza (here and expect an easy victory for the team's wig), and will visit the Novara Livorno who has just changed and the coach wants to shake up its very negative trend. Finally, Empoli will play with the Grosseto derby and a draw here would be welcome.
forecast charts at the end of the next day:
Atalanta and Siena
Novara 52 51 46
Empoli Reggina 39 37
this the ranking would be optimal for the Varese ... we'll see ...
l'ultima giornata del campionato cadetto viene archiviata con il Match Novara - Torino derby piemontese che vede i Novaresi imporsi per 1 a 0 con un autogol eclatante di un difensore granata.
Pertanto la classifica di vertice e' la seguente:
Il prossimo turno sembrerebbe a favore del Varese che affrontando il Frosinone fanalino di coda lunedi sera in posticipo deve take advantage to recover from the theft of Pescara (Pescara will go to Turin to face a demon Toro I hope).
Atalanta will be in Reggio Calabria (we could use a nice balance)
The Siena will play at home to Piacenza (here and expect an easy victory for the team's wig), and will visit the Novara Livorno who has just changed and the coach wants to shake up its very negative trend. Finally, Empoli will play with the Grosseto derby and a draw here would be welcome.
forecast charts at the end of the next day:
Atalanta and Siena
Novara 52 51 46
Empoli Reggina 39 37
this the ranking would be optimal for the Varese ... we'll see ...
Monday, February 14, 2011
What Qualities Must A Nurse Ha
13 febbraio: è stato battuto un colpo
That turnaround in public opinion is given by the women went down yesterday in the Italian squares? E 'has touched a subject that most politicians can not be - the consideration of the woman by a prime minister - in a way that asks people (men and women) on a cultural level, even more than political affiliation. And hoping that the title of Unit today, without question, can have a sequel, I think the formula of events in major Italian cities instead of one big national event, that is to follow. Would, as he gave yesterday, enabling all the people who want to do, to express themselves in the place or places closer to where you live. Veltroni, a few days ago on television, went further, offering demonstrations to demand the resignation of eight thousand Berlusconi in Italian municipalities. For once, Veltroni said the right thing!
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