A brilliant lesson in the genesis of our state, one that has held this evening, Professor. Domenico Fisichella, a political scientist and former senator, the foyer of the Theatre "Pasolini" Casarsa. The meeting was part of the series of conferences that the City of Casarsa decided to dedicate the 150th unit of Italy. The professor, who wrote a book on the subject entitled "The Miracle of Risorgimento.La formation of a united" (Carocci editore), outlined the historical causes that have meant that Italy has come later than other countries Europe, the creation of the nation state. Between these two cases the foreign domination of different backgrounds and the presence of a State referred to the Pope, the situation is released through the beneficial effects of the emergence of ideas of the French Revolution and maturation, by House of Savoy, its aggregator possible role on the peninsula. The outcome of the Italian Risorgimento, for Fisichella, could not be monarchist and moderate, given the need for reassurance, anti-revolutionary request by the European powers. One teacher even joke about federalism, those who imagine an Italy in mid-federal 800, the intended meaning in a non-disruptive and aggregator, a reference to the controversial face-called "Federalists" of Italy today.
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