A ruling of the Supreme Court, by his segnalatami Lorenzo Lorusso, the exact number. of 3227 February 10, 2011 - Supreme Court Civil Chamber, Labor, establishes an important principle in health in the workplace: call to judge the case of an employee exposed to secondhand smoke than cigarettes issued a colleague, the Supreme Court ruled that:
"a) the prevention of accidents protection of the worker extends the hypothesis of so-called improper specific risk, defined as that, while not material inherent in the act of work performance, concerns situations and activities closely related to the performance itself [...]; b) the concept of risk Environmental means that t is ROTECTION work in and of itself considered and not just one made at the machines, since the hazard on the working environment [...]; c) risk factors for diseases not tabulated include also those situations that harm , although applicants for non-work activities, however, constitute a specific risk for the insured ".
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