Friday, February 4, 2011

White Wrapping Paper Dots

Casarsa: "via Biasutti il patteggiatore"

The decision of the majority of the center-right administration Casarsa to name a street to the former President of the Friuli Venezia Giulia, Adriano Biasutti, sparked a lively debate, as reported last October. Last Saturday was the official opening. A few days later, someone placed signs on the new indication the word "street of shame". The mayor pidiellino, Angel Tubaro, spoke of "vandalism" denounced and the incident to the Prosecutor of the Republic. We agree: the way used to show their disapproval was not corrected. A civilized way to express their opinion in the choice of Adrian Biasutti, I found the blog of the civil list Citizens players, where a visitor has indicated that the inhabitants of Casarsa how to distinguish the neo Biasutti away from the homonymous already exists:

"Via Biasutti the plea agreement - 23 January 11
Pro memory Casarsa, for the 2-way disting Biasutti is worth remembering that one inaugurated yesterday is named after Adrian Biasutti, which accumulated in the nineties settlements totaling 3 years and 2 months imprisonment on various strands tangentizi: Autovie Venetian spa, new AMGA based in Udine, Friuli Venezia Giulia card, financing Zanussi, Channel 55, Udine composting plant, disposal plant in San Giorgio di Nogaro.


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