I started to think about things that I can remember, I started to ask why at all because for me it has always been very important.
... Why are we doing this?, Why should I eat? Why go to this place? Why should I study it ....
If at first seemed to be a bit 'strange As time went on I realized that perhaps this constant demand for explanation was not such a bad habit.
One day about 18 years old sitting in front of a computer I wondered why the biggest I'd ever have to ask: why does this happen? because we do this? because no one stop this? Why do we eat animals?
was a morning, I was in first year at university and after class I and a friend of mine had gone to a library that also had telematics classrooms, then I had the computer so if I wanted navigate the only thing was to find places that they had after college and this was a good place.
I started surfing the web do not remember what I was looking so 'only happens sul sito della Lav, un’associazione che nata dalla lotta alla vivisezione a metà degli anni ‘70 poi si è sviluppata su moltissime tematiche tra cui il vegetarianesimo.
C’è da dire una cosa(aprendo una piccola parentesi...) non sono mai stata nuova a questo tipo di sensibilità.
Da che ne ho memoria mio fratello si chiamava Golia e con Golia giocavo, parlavo, piangevo ed è sempre stato un vero amico, come solo un cane può essere: era uno Schnauzer gigante nero con una frangia e una barbetta simpatica ma che se si arrabbiava erano cavoli amari.
Non sono I grew up in a family that has passed special values \u200b\u200bof love for animals, it should not be to them, have always been so, so I think we are born with the feeling for life is not acquired, rather it may be that you are born but do not you know and you're repressing, yes.
Goliath and I loved it when at the age of 13 years I found him under the trees of the garden of my house hidden and panting, was a tragedy.
picked him up, now very thin on the age and his illness so that I could easily pick it up and took it home, where I called my parents Immediately notify your veterinarian.
My father came home from work, took it and put it in his car to study the veterinarian told me that he died en route.
I remember like it was yesterday him and what I felt and feel for Goliath never forget it.
Goliath but it was not the only dog \u200b\u200bthat was part of the family when I was about ten years we adopted Penny, Charlie and Whisky girl and boy respectively (brother and sister) of German shepherd and cocker boy (and favorite of my mom).
I loved my brothers and sister, though of a different kind from mine and I loved them too.
I have always believed that it was normal to grow up with family Canidae, but when I found myself talking with classmates and friends I realized that was not exactly like that and then I threw in my big question "why?"
Yes, because I could not understand how it could be possible to live without affection, love, care and joy like the one Goliath, Penny, Charlie Whisky and gave it to me?
how my days would be sad if it were not for them!
Now I and my fellow canines have two children, two half-breeds, and share life with them, Liu and string.
(closed parenthesis ...)
But I said ... it was one morning, I was in the first year of college and after classes I and my friend had gone to a library, I began to wander the web, I happened on the site where I read the Lav of vegetarianism.
From there the step was' really quick.
Vegetarianism: that strange word vegetarian + th ... as if it were a historical period. ... maybe. ... I thought ....
Slowly I began leafing between pages and I came across some photos, not me I took more from the mind.
photos depicting cows killed just hung in the butcher's hooks and skinned. It was the first time you connect = ANIMAL FOOD.
I turned to my friend and I said enough, now I'm vegetarian.
Like all things I do best (when I act but I do not think) since that day I became a vegetarian and that giorno sono passati 10 anni di cambiamenti ed evoluzioni, di persone ed esperienze che mi hanno cambiata profondamente, ora sulla soglia dei trent’anni tutto nella mia vita è cambiato tranne una cosa: da quel giorno non ho più mangiato un essere senziente e finalmete posso dire di amare davvero tutte le creature viventi.
Ai tempi della mia prima decisione vivevo in Sicilia e il fatto d’esser vegetariana poteva esser equiparato ad avere una strana malattia.
Tutti mi chiedevano il perché.
Perché non mangi niente?
Perché fai una cosa così?
Why do your parents do not do anything?
So why is it always centered my life and my thoughts.
I had a boyfriend for a celebration of his family had to organize the first week so that I could eat something.
I had another boyfriend who tried to be there but maybe he was more interested in impressing on me that the concept of being vegetarian.
And then there were friends who love animals as soon as they improvised I saw but forgot that I was biting into a sandwich with ham.
The fact is that always at the same time that I declare myself a vegetarian (vegan and now) all of a sudden they feel under attack as if someone had started a war scrutinizing their choices and their lives, as if themselves unwittingly accusing them of something, as if deep down in front of a vegetarian or vegan carnivores are forced to face his choices.
And it is exactly what happens?
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