II.niente better than to talk about my favorite genres, but I can not do without taking a cue from some specific cases, without disturbing the books leave this time two TV drama series, distant in time and space. The first of which I speak is a thriller of the Seventies, Italian, entitled "The sign of the command" (5 episodes) and the second is a saga of the western half of the year zero, U.S. production, titled "Deadwood" (36 points) are the priceless pearls in cui mi sono imbattutto in questi ultimi anni e quindi penso siano adatte a introdurre alcuni spunti sull'argomento dei generi nella narrativa.
Per me la narrativa ha a che fare con la parola incantamento, e non solo nel senso di 'fantastico', è affare da storytellers, di chi ha la stoffa di imbastire una storia, senza tanti infingimenti, in cui più che spiegare, mostra la vita dell'uomo nell'essenzialità del suo dramma e della sua bellezza. Nel suo interrogarsi circa il futuro, la sua capacità di costruire una civiltà e il potere del male. Ma soprattutto mostrando tutto questo, e molto di più, con una capacità di unità che rispecchia proprio la vita e la realtà come si presenta ai nostri eyes. And this can definitely best for people who 'work' on the literary genres.
The sign of the command is unique and original. A perfect blend of espionage and the supernatural, mystery and love story.
words to describe Deadwood at this time I find them, I just had the opportunity to recover the third season remained unpublished in Italy and the first references that come to mind are The Godfather and The Gates of Heaven.
In both cases, the story is supported by figures in the round, as they say, masterful interpretations made from live, at least as regards the protagonists, and the successful and complete suspension of disbelief for which you are immersed up to the hair in that world and the 'plot which holds until the last breath, without a definitive closure of the issue. Essential feature of any narrative of any kind it is. Also because the genre is often an excuse, an easy way to field what an author presses; simply adore the locations of the classic yellow and those of the open horizons of the western, because they are the ones who are with me always, are part of me, speak directly to the heart. I will not waste other words, I seem an unnecessary addition to the one and only advice, at least as far as the two examples above: watch and enjoy. (2. To follow)
Per me la narrativa ha a che fare con la parola incantamento, e non solo nel senso di 'fantastico', è affare da storytellers, di chi ha la stoffa di imbastire una storia, senza tanti infingimenti, in cui più che spiegare, mostra la vita dell'uomo nell'essenzialità del suo dramma e della sua bellezza. Nel suo interrogarsi circa il futuro, la sua capacità di costruire una civiltà e il potere del male. Ma soprattutto mostrando tutto questo, e molto di più, con una capacità di unità che rispecchia proprio la vita e la realtà come si presenta ai nostri eyes. And this can definitely best for people who 'work' on the literary genres.
The sign of the command is unique and original. A perfect blend of espionage and the supernatural, mystery and love story.
words to describe Deadwood at this time I find them, I just had the opportunity to recover the third season remained unpublished in Italy and the first references that come to mind are The Godfather and The Gates of Heaven.
In both cases, the story is supported by figures in the round, as they say, masterful interpretations made from live, at least as regards the protagonists, and the successful and complete suspension of disbelief for which you are immersed up to the hair in that world and the 'plot which holds until the last breath, without a definitive closure of the issue. Essential feature of any narrative of any kind it is. Also because the genre is often an excuse, an easy way to field what an author presses; simply adore the locations of the classic yellow and those of the open horizons of the western, because they are the ones who are with me always, are part of me, speak directly to the heart. I will not waste other words, I seem an unnecessary addition to the one and only advice, at least as far as the two examples above: watch and enjoy. (2. To follow)
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