- the opinion issued by the State Council on May 4, 2010, which states that, for the purposes of equivalency to the " victim of duty ", is recognized the fact that he served on naval vessels, military means or infrastructure to documentation where it is shown to contain asbestos ( here press release of ' IAEA Sardinia - Italian Association of Asbestos Exposed). E 'certification of the possible relationship between military infrastructure and the presence of asbestos;
- in an article the same Lorenzo Lorusso, coordinator for the Friuli Venezia Giulia 's National Observatory Asbestos , published in the January issue of the journal Alice Tell with the title "Emergency asbestos Fvg, analyzes the data on deaths asbestos in the Italian regions. In this dismal ranking, Friuli Venezia Giulia (1800 deaths over the past thirty years, concentrated in Trieste and Monfalcone) is second only to Piedmont, known for the case of the chronicles "Eternit" of Casale Monferrato. Lorusso speaks of the judiciary Trieste, whose decision to claim for itself the investigations that were languishing at the office of Gorizia, gave a serious impetus to the demands of justice advanced by exposure to asbestos and their families. Relevant in this sense, the decision of the Deputy Prosecutor Julian dr. Lombardi, to perform autopsies on people who died as a result of pleural mesothelioma, a procedure that allows the extraction of asbestos fibers from the body of the deceased. Lorusso returns on cases of asbestos-related members of the Financial Police and other Police Forces, emphasizing the inertia of the relevant offices to meet employees' demands for the release of the "employment history" necessary "to obtain from 'Inail recognition of the rights due to prolonged exposure to asbestos and qualified. Many of these offices "play sull'equivoco-exposure manipulation, denying the fact that even those who do not directly manipulate the asbestos was also sick of pleural mesothelioma and asbestos related diseases every other."
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